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kitchen bitch

1. A male who has nothing better to do with his time, then sit in the kitchen and gossip with his wife and her friends.
2. A male who gossips more than the average woman.

He is such a kitchen bitch.

by Em J. February 16, 2005

124👍 49👎

Kitchen Cabinet

The group of women you ask for advice before making major decisions. A reference to former president Andrew Jackson's presidential cabinet.

Tom wasn't sure if he she should ask Mary to formal, so he consulted his kitchen cabinet.

by Dutch_wonderboy January 20, 2010

9👍 2👎

Kitchen Pimp

A person who has viewed every episode of "cooking with Coolio" and is now therefore an expert at ghetto gourmet, pasta like a Rasta, and chillin and grillin'. Kitchen pimps are experts at taking cheap, nasty ingredients that no one wants an making them look appetizing, similar to how a normal pimp uses nasty whores and still makes money. Every true kitchen pimp has a kitchen pimp jacket, look up cookin' with coolio for examples.

guy 1: Yo that guy has mad cookin skills.

guy 2: Ya he's a kitchen pimp now bruh.

by I AM RETEP. August 7, 2017

kitchen black

A African American who is friends with white people and is liked by them so they don’t do as hard work as most slaves.(a person who works in a kitchen instead of being a harder working slave.

Black slaves: That kitchen black is friends with all those white guys and gets wayyy more attention.

by Kitchen black March 20, 2018

Kitchen Professor

Drug dealers who mastered the craft of cutting drugs probably cocaine into sizes to maximize profit

Where I'm from, to get 100 bags is community treasures, kitchen professors

by demontime-fam April 10, 2022

Soup Kitchen

An orgy which occurs when several homeless men engage in anal sex in a red Toyota Prius.

awww shit, Dirty Mike and The Boys had a soup kitchen in my Prius.

by uncleruckusnorelation August 7, 2010

1038👍 491👎

kitchen sink

Find your kitchen sink. Until you find a purpose on this earth, give yourself a purpose. Stop feeling like you need to be a teenage prodigy. Pretend you’re confident until you are. It’s hard work to do this when you’re so used to cringing at the reflection in your mirror, but do it. Work at it. I assure you, your mentality will change. A year ago Id be saying that this drawing is really shitty compared to what other people can do. Today I’m saying, I’m a damn good artist and I’m going to keep practicing and keep getting better. It’s possible to find happiness, I assure you. To my fellow skeleton clique, and anyone else that may need it, stay alive

I'm a kitchen sink, You don't know what that means Because a kitchen sink to you
Is not a kitchen sink to me, OK friend?

by twenty øne piløts trash 4 life March 28, 2016

71👍 28👎