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boner smoker

Someone who is a total gaylord, sucks an extraordinary amount of penis, or in general did something super mega gay to deserve this title.

Includes all types of boners: hickory smoked, steamed, barbecued, grilled, mesquite, etc.

"God, Brady is such a boner smoker."

"Shawn was creeping again on another drunk girl? What a fucking boner smoker."

by Mitch Comer March 24, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

fake smoker

one who leads others to believe that he is addicted to cigarette smoking but does not actually inhale cigarette smoke

-wow kyle smokes way too many cigarettes now
-yeah but hes a fake smoker so im not too worried about him
-OH i get it! because smoking makes you cool
- ( :

by lars tullenson July 7, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

cock smoker

one who smokes copious amounts of cock

"gees you smoke some serious cock"

by edos December 8, 2003

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pirate smoker

the act of being gay; homosexuality at its greatest

Greg is a pirate smoker.

by Zo, Joose, and Jeff March 22, 2003

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sober smoker

A sober smoker is either:
A) A pot-smoker who doesn't drink
B) A pot-smoker who can function and act sober while high

(Example B)
Robbie: When we get their we gotta let dan and rob talk cause the rest of us are way to crunk and their sober smokers.

by Pagz June 18, 2006

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People who dont smoke

simple as that...

by Aloha_Ritsaard29 January 25, 2017

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

bone smoker

Someone who is actually addicted to sucking dick.

She is such a bone smoker. I can't tell what she loves more, cigarettes, or penis in the mouth.

by Richard Hatless June 10, 2008

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