Source Code

fallopian tube

1. a tube

2. a term used to emasculate males who are deemed inferior

"damn it Riley, you are such a fallopian tube!"

by SmartGuysDontHaveIdeologies October 23, 2018

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Blue Tubes

The female version of blue balls. When a woman is interrupted during coitus and is not allowed to finish, she gets a burning sensation in her fallopian tubes that feels as if she's trying to queef a fireball.

Peach: Mario, why do you always stop in the middle of sex? Youre giving me blue tubes.
Mario: Peacha! I gotta getta da coins! Imma so sorry...
Peach: Well sorry doesn't cut it, I feel like a fireball is coming out of my vagina
Mario: Sounds likea you gotta da fireflower!
Peach: You are an idiot Mario. Im going to go find Luigi.....

by gbabyawesome July 5, 2011

128πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

series of tubes

The Interweb.

See also: not a big truck.

The Internet isn't something that you just dump something on. It's not a big truck! It's a series of tubes!

by Lady Aura August 24, 2006

372πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž

boob tube

A slang term for television.

β€œParents complain about the quality of the shows but don't prevent their children from gluing themselves to the boob tube” (David Owen)

by illEATurHARTout April 14, 2004

604πŸ‘ 168πŸ‘Ž

tube steak

Army lingo for the male sexual organ; the penis. Typically used in the phrase "tube steak & white gravy," a reference to an ejaulating penis, inserted into one of the drill/platoon/top sergeants' numerous gay slurs directed at subordinates.

"You're going to love the main course at the chow hall," the D.I. told the raw-ass recruit. "It's tube steak & white gravy and you can have all you want!"

by Tummy AuGratin February 26, 2006

928πŸ‘ 267πŸ‘Ž

Dube Tube

A handmade smoke concealment apparatus, typically made out of a tube with both ends open. The insides are stuffed with dryer sheets, so that when the -Cannabis- smoker blows through, the smell of the smoke changes to that of the dryer sheets and not of Marijuana.

Typically used in dorm rooms, parent's houses, and in other places where the act of cannabis smoking must be concealed.

Dube Tubes do an incredibly good job of concealing the smell of Marijuana.

by JihadJoe75 February 12, 2008

50πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Biddy Tube

A skintight "dress", usually strapless, the sits just above the nipple and goes just below the crotch.

Biddy 1: It's 10 degrees out, we're going to a dubstep concert and I want to constantly adjust my dress so my vagina doesn't fall out. What should I wear?
Biddy 2: You're brand new American Apparel shiny hot pink biddy tube!

by The Kinkster November 10, 2011

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž