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That's gay

Zach that's gay

by swbehenehej November 14, 2018

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Is gay, cause he likes a trap

"you still watching zoeisyourhomie Zach?"

by Wiener Balls December 19, 2018

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super duper gay

zach is gay

by nathanbain March 14, 2019

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An intelligent, independent, very funny person, often found reading or playing Video games. Talks most around friends and can flirt well, being the person he is he is not very athletic but still seems to stay in shape lol. He doesn’t know much about girls and hasn’t had many, but when he does have one he is loyal and sticks with her forever :)

Him- Have you met that kid Zach?

Her- Ya he’s awesome!!!

by TUTLESSsSs June 7, 2018

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A Zach is someone who loves sex but his pull out game isn’t very strong don’t be a Zach

Zach did you cum inside me?

by Big peene March 4, 2019

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So freaking stupid and nobody really likes him. Zach has 25 gf in 1 yeah dont be a zach

Oh my look at zach he wis with that gitl a week ago i wonder what this ones name is

by Howdy bro June 18, 2017

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Very annoying. Likes to put bikes up his ass and sits on social media all day.

Person 1: how is that guy walking with a bike up his bummy
Person 2: well its name is Zach

Person 1: ohhh haha yeah I see he's always online

by Stanky Stanley January 7, 2020

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