Source Code

Come through

To finish a plan to meet together and do something.

Yo we playing PokΓ©mon go at 7 don’t bail this time come through

by Mexican j July 22, 2018

49πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Coming in there with a stick

The commonly used parental threat (usually empty threat) of intimidating one's child (or other subordinate) into doing what is asked of them. Very often used on defiant children when they refuse to go to bed or obey their parental figure.

Son: I'm not going to go to bed...I'll stay up as long as I want!

Dad: The hell you are! Get to bed or else I'm coming in there with a stick!

by Eziquio C October 29, 2007

24πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

coming down

The effect of sobering up from any drug. If its weed, things are speeding up back to normal. If its cystal meth, you feel like passing out, not enough energy.

"Pass the sh** man, m coming down here."

by HLT April 26, 2005

132πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

I'm Coming!

Phrase shouted at climax of sex.

I'm Comming!!

by Eric March 22, 2003

151πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Had It Coming

Got what he/she deserve.

β€” Shithead! You ass-fucked my wife!
β€” Well, what can I say. She had it coming.

by Spelta February 5, 2016

29πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Come across

When you come across (something) you run into something, most often good things and without planning to do so. One can come across e.g. stuff (books, speakers, you name it), a person, information, and much more.
Very often used in past tense, because you are telling what you came across.

- I came across a Beatles LP a while ago - the joy!

- Yesterday I came across Dave. Man, he has really aged.

- Have you come across our new boss yet?

by Oli_SE April 24, 2013

44πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Come in Rangoon

Early generations of short wave radios had large flat tuning dials requiring spreading all five fingers and placing them on the circumference of the dial in order to gently turn the dial right or left to tune in a distant location (Rangoon). Spatially, the gesture resembles that of palming a woman's ample breast.

Two guys are sitting in a bar, in walks a woman with large breasts, one guy turns to the other, winks and says 'Come in Rangoon.'

by ackpirate September 20, 2013

31πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž