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autistential crisis

The existential crisis one has when they think they may be autistic.

Person 1: Is Harvey okay? He's been infodumping a lot about autism lately.

Person 2: He'll be fine, he's just having an autistential crisis.

by katieemw95 April 29, 2023

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energy crisis

A media buzzword to refer to speculative bubbles in energy markets, usually oil. Caused by artificial distortions in the market introduced by OPEC manipulating the market, and excessive restrictions on drilling. Not a real crisis.

Remember the gas lines in the last energy crisis?

by 2182 June 15, 2009

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crisis actor

A term used by alt-right goons, conspiraloons and online trolls to describe a victim of a mass shooting, thereby casting aspersions on the legitimacy of their accounts of the event. The claim being made is that the 'victim' is in fact an actor in some bigger conspiracy.

"That kid on TV was never at that school. She was a crisis actor, coached by the FBI to attack the 2nd amendment and Trump."
"Only a soulless braindead nazi troll would call a victim of a school shooting a crisis actor."

by Dr Buckles February 21, 2018

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Hostage crisis

To take a heavy shit.

- "hang on, I'll be right back. I've got a hostage crisis"
- "I had a sucsessful hostage relese"
- "The hostage crisis was a rough one. the release didn't go as planed."

by Timmay33 October 12, 2006

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Crisis loan

The scant pennies you need to feed the mice living in your flat when the giro fails to arrive and another week of starvation looms. To secure a crisis loan one must first contact the crisis loans department of the centralised social security services where one is put on hold for forty minute intervals interspersed with short bursts of nasty questions in which one is made to feel like the scum of the earth. After two and a half hours (my record) one is then blasted with more insults before being offered ยฃ20 for the next two weeks. Then follows an interminable wait at the job centre amongst a sea of human flotsam who are now your nearest living brethren. After a standard wait which sees the job centre close and most the staff leave you are summoned to the back room to be given your crisis loan cheque which you cannot now cash until the following day as the post office has shut.

Unemployed person: I just got my ยฃ20 crisis loan.
Employed person: You bloody scrounger! That's my taxes you're drinking away, you scum. MY TAXES!
Unemployed person: But I've nothing else to live on -
Employed person: Get a job and stop making me pay tax! Taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes, ad infinitum.

by Roland from Grange Hill December 29, 2009

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Dino Crisis

Dino Crisis, originally trying to capitalise on the success of the Survival Horror genre, failed.

You are Regina (no last name given). You work for a government agency (no name given) who has sent you to infiltrate Ibis Island (whose name was only told in the ending, as far as I can recall). Gail and Rick (no last names that I heard) are your teammates on the mission, which is to infiltrate the island, find Dr. Kirk (a scientist who was presumably dead but has supposedly resurfaced on the island), and get him back to your home country (again, no name given).

A lot of people use Dino Crisis to mock-threaten people on some gaming-oriented IRC servers because of it's horrid reputation.

A: "I'm gonna go Dino Crisis on your ass."
B: "So you're gonna put me to sleep?"

A: "Don't make me go Dino Crisis on you!"
B: "Yeah, there's not enough drugs in the world to make you funny after that."

by NewGotham January 22, 2006

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Biodiversity crisis

The fact that in the world the extinction rate is a great as when the dinosaures become extinct 65 million years ago and if it contunes the worlds ecosystems may collapes leading to0 the total extiction of humanity.

What will happen to humans in the cbiodiversity crisis?

by Deep blue 2012 February 3, 2010

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