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Captain Retard

1. Edude

Im da gay captain retard that flys boats

by squadsquadyt September 6, 2019

Captain Cornhole

Captain Cornhole is what you call a guy who is a BIG asshole! Simply calling someone "Captain" is enough if everyone around already knows what you are talking about about.

Who asked you for your opinion Captain Cornhole?

by htownfun August 17, 2009

Captain Australia

A shirtless drunk wearing the Australian flag as a cape as a sign of patriotism. Female equivalent often wears the flag as a dress or bikini.

Commonly sighted at fireworks displays and brawls.

"What happened to your car?"
"Captain Australia jumped on the roof shouting "Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!"

by bluegirl January 31, 2008

Captains Handshake

The oudacious and drunken act of inserting ones hand down the back of a womans jeans, in an attempt to reach around and grab the crotch. Only applicable to woman who are strangers.

So my buddy just reached down the back of that 40 year olds pants when she was leaning forward at the bar and gave her the Captains Handshake!

by Jeff Steves June 25, 2011

Captain's Crew

A drinking event in which 4 individuals select a secluded location (preferrably one of which that has restricted access) and partake in the dangerous, irresponsible act of finishing a entire handle of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum as fast as possible without leaving this location. The rules are strict, no member can leave the location until the handle is dry. No participants are allowed to come or go for ANY reason including to urinate, to call lame girlfriends, to deficate or to vomit. A typical Captains Crew invloves 4 frat guys locking them selves in a room and finishing the handle in about an hour. It usually comes about to 12-13 shots per individual assuming everyone pulls their own weight. This is a team drinking event and is not for the faint of heart. The record for completion is currently at 11 minutes set by 4 allstars from Purdue University in 2008.

"Man, I had to shit in a trashcan during that last captians crew. Then I had to wipe with a sock that I found on the ground."

"hey, you guys want to dig a hole on the beach and do a Captains Crew in it tonight?"

"Wait, you guys did a Captain's Crew? No wonder you sound like Helen Keller"

by MrTaterCat February 7, 2012

Captain Ambiguous

A slang term for a person who is overly broad or vague in conversation.

A conversation with "Captain Ambiguous" might go something like this.

You "So what do you do for a living?"
Him "Business"
You "With who?"
Him "People"
You "Where do you work?"
Him "Places"
You "How much do you make?"
Him "Enough"

by Smurf May 4, 2007

Captain dickhead

Some one who's being really mean or a show off Or some one just really stupid

Justin beaver is a captain dickhead

by goddangitdude32 January 19, 2012