An area of conversation pertaining only to the manliest of subjects, usually leading to the disgust of clean-minded nerds and the joy of everyone else.
Guy 1: Hey, so yesterday I woke up and my dong was....etc
Guy 2: Haha
Girl 1: You guys are sick bastards
Guy 1: Sorry, sausage topic
Guy 2: You wouldn't understand......
Conversations with good friends esp. when inebriated, that rapidly jump from topic to topic with no preceding explanation.
How the hell did we get onto midget pron? Topical Parkour baby! Keep up!
gay ass dykes go here and probably have some meth, weed, crack, you name it. they probably try to act all "edgy" and "depressed" to seem all emo, when in reality they are soft as my cock. they are also probably only gay for the trend.
person 1-lets go to hot topic guys *crys*
person 2- oh so you're a emo dyke now? nice
Be careful, this is the central spawn point of all emo people.
Yo is it dark in here or is it just me?
Watch out dude they're coming! Hot Topic is where they form!
A bullshit store that exploits trends by selling shirts depicting pop culture icons, often accompanied by a lame joke or pun.
Person 1: Dude! Look at this epic shirt I got from Hot Topic!
Person 2: I like _________, but that's not funny; it isn't even clever. Why would you spend twenty dollars on that?
Person 1: It is too funny! You just don't get it!
hot topic sells clothing for "edgy" teens who like my chemical romanceand panic and the disco
Let's go to hot topicand get that panic at the disco shirt
A music genre invented by the New Zealand band Rangi and the Totos.
Is that rolling stones? nah, it's newest new zealands most iconic topical pop group, rangi and the totos!