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Head transformer

When ur bestie changes ur face with makeup
Or a penis

Hey sienna ur a head transformer

by e114! February 4, 2022

Transform LLC

Transform is a relationship-building company that uses artificial intelligence to connect patients with dentists, grow traffic for businesses, and design websites that capture leads. The company is located in Los Angeles, California and they are run by entrepreneurs who attended the University of San Diego.

Jim: hey bob, how did your dental practice gain so many customers?
Bob: Transform LLC helped me connect with people online!

by business-listing November 20, 2021

Transformation Chamber

A very extreme version of "beer goggles".

when a person who wears corrective lenses or glasses is -not- wearing them and is drunk and people become drastically more attractive and even look like wholly different people altogether.

guy 1: OMG I slept with who?!

guy 2: with insert name of mildly unattractive person...I couldn't believe it either.

guy 1: I knew I should've put on my glasses after I took my contacts off at our party...he must've went through the transformation chamber. I though I got laid by some chick who looked like Liv Tyler...

guy 2: hah...if only. you know, they say vanity is a killer.

by MadaoxSama September 26, 2009

Fish Transformation

the ability to transform into a fish due to and overdose of fish oil pills

"oh dam i did a fish transformation into a fish now cus of da fish pills"

by Jarvinator07 August 30, 2022


When someone presents an alternate version of themselves online. Whether is from filters, glam makeup, photo editing, plastic surgery, or weight loss. Although they're not a true catfish, their online persona is different then who you'll meet in person.

Girl 1: Did you see Khloe Kardashian's new IG post? She has a different face from her last post.
Girl 2: Yea, she's a total transformer.

by Dirty Blondes October 6, 2020


When someone presents an alternate version of themselves online. Whether it's from filters, glam makeup, photo editing, plastic surgery, weight loss, etc. Although they aren't a true catfish, their appearance in person doesn't align with their online persona.

Girl 1: Have you seen Khloe Kardashian's new IG post? Her face looks completely different from the last one.
Girl 2: Yea, she's a total transformer.

by Dirty Blondes October 6, 2020


a transgender person who can’t accept what they are

That transformer cant
accept who they are

by transphobic December 6, 2020