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trunk or treat

the thanos of halloween. makes trick or treating fucking miserable. you got two legs. USE THEM.

OY OI- bro i got a genius idea lets screw over kids and call it trunk or treat

by imnotarobloxpredator November 1, 2023

truck or treating

When you ride around on the back of a truck throwing candy at kids on Halloween.

You going goin trick or treating?
"Nah I'm going truck or treating"

by Ninjaturtle101 November 1, 2015

geet treat

Any edible device that goes well with fresh geet.

"Hey...Dwevans brought us some geet treats!"

"Man...I wish I had some geet treats. These canned yams are repulsive!"

"Saint Dorothy Mantooth gives out geet treats for Halloween."

"If you are a good little boy, the geet treat fairy will provide you with a bounty of geet treat sustenance."

"Chewbacca enjoys geet treats of the pre-natal variety."

"Oil is the perfect geet treat for your homemade cyborg."

"Yo...i gots the munchies. Go get me some geet treats!"

by Miniscule September 8, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

treat food

1. <noun> One's personal property or a gathering of properties which
is regarded as unique.

2. <verb> To walk around, going nowhere, to lollygoggle.

Where's my fukkin' treat food?! That was my last rig fer Chrissakes!

I treat fooded around the mall as I waited for my gurl to get her nails done.

by Uncle Beasley April 3, 2006

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

trick or treating

Trick or treating is when you go from car to car, or house to house at any month of the year and steal what ever you can. Since you're going to be going in their neighbours car there is no forced entry in trick or treating due to the sound factor (you can do it if you're quite). Unlike on halloween the best time is later at night when everyone's sleeping.

hey man you wanna go trick or treating tonight?

yeah, i'll bring the screw drivers and exacto knife for the decks

by sqaz November 17, 2006

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Dutch Treat

The unexpected result of a Dutch Oven gone terribly awry. Can be very messy.

"I was just going for a dutch oven, but it turned into a dutch treat. Oh well."

by Long Island August 14, 2004

104๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

dick treat

A guy who is a treat for another males dick, he is the treat by sucking or fondling in a homosexual way.

ylanos is a real dick treat

by nick drummencarter November 28, 2004

30๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž