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Noun or Verb:

Of or relating to a $20 hand job handie.

A hand job paid for with a new Harriet Tubman twenty dollar bill.

Steve: This lot-lizzard just gave me a hand job for twenty dollars.
Gary: Oh, you mean you got a Tub-rub.

by Brian Daggett April 23, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

tub tribble

A wad of curly hair found in the bathtub. If left unattended, tub tribbles will multiply asexually. In a very quiet bathroom, you can often hear them make soft cooing sounds. They will frequently grab and cling when handled, but usually they do not bite.

Wow, man. You got a serious tub tribble infestation in that bathroom.

by Dan D in Binghamton February 10, 2010


Tub-shitter or T.S. is used to describe a grotesquely obese (fat) person. Basically, a person too big to use a toilet that has to park (sit) their ass on a bath tub to shit.

What a tub-shitter!
Check out the tub-shitter!

by GreatD2 April 20, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

tub of lard

A person who is so fat and/or disgusting that the very sight of them invokes images of a giant vat filled with congealed animal fat.

Kate is so f-ing disgusting. What the he@l does that tub of lard think she is doing. She is not hot enough to get away with saying that.

by Chad October 2, 2003

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h tub

The writings of the xeno in the the BBCยดs poetry corner .

Trying to see into the future as Nostradamus.

" h dub was translated from " the tower in which 95,5 % are white , but do beleave that their are black" to mean " homework ". to try to understand this , h tub came up while trying to but in different forms of the original word h dub.

by Amirouche Roos August 11, 2006

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Tub Girl

A girl who lays in a tub and sends a cascade of crap flying out of her ass into her mouth.

Tub Girl is the only thing that can make my penis hard.

by Your mom January 22, 2004

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tub crapper

When a person gets too large for a conventional toilet bowl and has to crap in a bath tub.

I bet that fat dude is a tub crapper

by smollenkopf August 8, 2008

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