Source Code

tuna pouch

When you can't tell if a female co-worker made a tuna sandwich or sat on the counter

Co-worker 1: did you make a tuna sandwich?
Co-worker 2: No why?
Co-worker 1: Wash out that tuna pouch...

by wiki wha ??? February 15, 2009

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tuna Hole

Its a statement for a lady's vagina that reaks of a 3 month old codfish sitting in her pussy.

Can also be used as a term of endearment.

"Hey Nicole, whos my little Tuna Hole?"

by Uh-Oh April 15, 2005

34πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

stink tuna

term for a girls stink nani and/or crotch, usually this smell is sour and nauseating.

dude that stripper was awesome until she spread her legs then you could smell her stink tuna!

by church808 February 27, 2009

50πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Tuna Safe

A girl with a clean & fresh noonie.

Man, that girl sure is fine. Yeahh, but is she tuna safe?

by King Tuna October 5, 2005

65πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Tuna Ass

When you are having sex with a girl she farts.

"We were having sex and she farted. It was a bad case of Tuna Ass."

by JackSheet March 13, 2012

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

grandma tuna

Due to your grandmas age when she tries to get it on, the resulting ejaculate is congealed and lumpy liked canned tuna.

jizz ejaculate cum

My grandpa came downstairs and had grandma tuna on his face and said β€œshe’s still got it just a little lumpy”

by TheOG18 March 8, 2019

Tuna blasting

The female equivalent to crop dusting with the exception that the gas is secreted from the front of the female rather than from her back end.

When a female is working out to hard and she accidentally begins tuna blasting those around her.

by Molicious August 23, 2012