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when is update

The definition of being a beggar and a child for asking when is an update constantly, on a Sunday in the Greenville Discord server. This will also apply when no update schedule is present and chaos suddenly escalates in #general where the same type of kids cannot read #news to see what Hunter has said.

Some random 12 year old kid said: @Smeers @Hunter when is update COMING I NEED IT NOW OR I END GREENVILLE AND QUIT ROBLOX FOREVER IM BEGGING YOU

by Noobzii March 16, 2021

Update when?

when the retarded green names tags spam everyday untill update 2

greentard; UpdaTE wHen?
any name tags color with right: SHUT UP

by yo gamer March 10, 2021

Human Update

A human update is a replacement for the word "manual update" . This is any update that is performed by a human being on a computer system that is not a computerized or automated update.

The computer did not perform the update so a human update (instead of manual update) was completed.

The computer setup was not automatic so a human setup (instead of manual setup) was performed.

The information may need to be entered humanly (instead of manually).

by Sue Rolnd August 24, 2021

update synapse

when people in the synapse cord want the update to be faster so they spam #memes

When synapse doesn't update you're supposed to spam update synapse.

by g h o s t l y August 28, 2019

Weather update

When you have to announce something has changed
Based on ‘History of the World by Bill Wurtz

“How’s Jack?”
“Weather update: he cheated on me so I killed him”
Ps-i never killed somebody I just put it there for dark comedic reasons

by Planetaceofspades June 16, 2024

stealth update

A stealth update is when a game updates without telling you about it, this is a common problem for games on steam which can update without consent or warning

Gamer: Pheew, i spent hours modding a game
Steam: Do it again!
Gamer: What?
Steam: Stealth update got you frickface!
Gamer: Frick you Steam!

by Wolf14Vargen14 July 27, 2024

Wild update

The Wild update was a minecraft update released on June 20th, 2022. Gaining mixed reviews.

The wild update can also be called
- The Mid update
- Caves and cliffs (part 3)

What are your options on The wild update?

by Vlle June 27, 2022