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A guy who protects the world from heroes and serves his people equal justice till he dies

Woah is that a Villain?
Yes i am a Villain

by Villain366 July 5, 2021


A person who needs help. A person who tries to do bad things, for reasons that most don't understand.

Hero: You're a villain!
Villain: If you knew why I was doing this, maybe you'd think otherwise...

by SuperStarryR July 12, 2021


God, do I love seeing them win. It is so compelling! And underutilized in modern cinema and television.

Iam "That's what was so good about the Saw movies. They were gory, cerebral thrillers where jigsaw always came out on top. Except for the cancer. Jigsaws was undefeated though. And people love that shit."

Hym "Yep... Sometimes you just want to see the villains win. Unless I'm on the good guys team and then I want the bad guys to lose... To me... But if I'm on the bay guys side then, yeah, totally...."

by Hym Iam May 10, 2022


And cut it out with the villain shit. You KNOW it's not just villains. Goblin slayer? Blue lock? He even says "I AM HIM!" in the manga and is calling people retards! It's also catching on in the anime community where characters are "him" now. So-and-so 'Is him'. And I'm a Fire Emblem character! A priest who likes to nap and considers himself a theorist.

Hym "Guys you really gotta cut it out with the villain shit. You know it isn't just villains. Alright? Seriously."

Iam "I also think Aggretsuko is based on this. And the first episode of Helluva Boss parrots the 'You don't know that the kids are innocent thing' "

Hym "RIGHT!? EXACTLY! There is a bunch of stuff here spanning the entire moral spectrum. I'm like the woman in 'Don't worry darling' or something..."

Iam "I mean, the Tom Hardy thing kind of seems like us... Right? Where he's both guys? And maybe 'Ballad of Buster Scruggs' It's hard to keep track..."

Hym "The Tom- OH! Right. I'm the gay one... Why am I always the gay one?"

Iam "Wh... Really?"

Hym "What!?"

Iam "I mean... The lady-boy thing and the 'tranny sex' thing and the mushroom thing and the canonically loved by-"

Hym "ALRIGHT! YES! I see the gay now! Jesus Christ! 😮 💨😑 And it's not just the characters I WRITE THE FUCKING DIALOGUE TOO! Full-ass soliloquies! And diatribes! Doesn't it exhaust you? Don't you get tired of trivializing it? You MUST have to work hard at it to ignore all of these details. I can almost see the smoke coming out of your ears as your filthy ape brain as it tries to manufacture an excuse to only attribute the 'bad things' to me. 'It'S hArMfUl!!' Or something. YOU'RE FINE! AND MY MENTAL HEALTH IS FINE! JESUS! But it's not GOING to be fine! I swear to God, if these shorties don't stop flirting with me it won't be fine! Got me bout to throw my whole-ass life away."

by Hym Iam April 6, 2023


Hahahahahahahahahaaa! Hilarious! Absolutely hilarious.

Hym "Hey, villain. If you're saying things and you're being banned from all the social media sites; whose got the problem?..... Hello? Is it society? Should society be structured in a way that allows you to do the things you want to do? You're a social media incel now. You want to post tweets and the people who decide whether or not you get to post tweets are arbitrarily denying you while letting retards do the thing you aren't being allowed to do. But that's a problem for everyone and not just you, isn't it? Hahahaha! And they say I'M THE CLOWN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!"

Iam "Heh, if they keep it up, he's going to have more intimations than we do."

Hym 😨 "Wha... What!? No! I'm a way more compelling character than that guy! You take that back you shit!"

Iam 😅 "Um, sorry..."

by Hym Iam September 6, 2022