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Weird Brag

A term used to describe the occasion when someone says something casually in conversation that seemed a very arrogant thing to say, intentional or not.

Did you hear Jill talking the other night about how hard her life is because she can't even choose between the numerous gorgeous guys that are into her?
I know.. such a weird brag, dude.

by asdsakdlsadsad; June 16, 2010

35πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The construct for the bizarro life that you can live while you're asleep. And, even if you die in your WEIRD DREAM you can usually still wake up normal, but always curious about what really happened.

OLD BLIND GUY: "You have skillfully snatched the pebble, Grasshoppa. Enter, that you may know the way."
YOU: "But, Master ... the journey is long and the day late ... and, yet the mountain is only as high as the valley is low. Shall I follow my shadow as my conscience?"
OBG: "You have answered well, Young Dragon. And I say follow your dream to overcome your nightmare. Now, <fingers snap> SLEEP!"
YOU: "This WEIRD DREAM is quite strange. I uhhh, I thought I was already asleep."

by Chingo Bolemongo October 5, 2006

42πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

weird energy

When someone or something is doing something super sketch and weird actions.

β€œYo Did you know I ate dog food the other day.”

β€œWhat the heck, you’re on some weird energy right now.”

by Notcaitlyn March 26, 2019

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Weird Uncle

That creepy bastard who never got married and scares the shit out of other family members. He usually has a unibrow, 1970s style big glasses, a toupee, and is really short. Often seduces young children and makes movies of the experience in his basement. Also known as the black Sheep in some cases

When I was but a wee lad, my Weird Uncle Andre took me to a baseball game. Then he took me home and made a video of me naked with a monkey in his basement. I rather enjoyed it then, but now I'm as scared as hell of that sick bastard...well, at least I was before he got sent to prison and gangbanged.

by Jim E. Junk May 2, 2006

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Getting Weird

The act of getting intoxicated.

"We getting weird tonight?"
"Hell yeah, I've got a bottle and an eighth of piff."

by ballolollin October 13, 2011

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Weird Chris

A person who stares at people during college parties, freaking the hell out of girls in the process, thus making the party uncooler by the second.

Did you see that Weird Chris at the party on Thursday, he totally freaked out my girl.

by WC Fan Club February 17, 2010

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weird duck

a person that is super weird and sometimes annoying but you know you are secretly in love with

person, your a weird duck

persons mind, I LOVE YOU

by the weirdest of ducks March 6, 2019

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