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Polo g

The best rapper of all time, the finest rapper of all time, the most handsome rapper of all time, oh and did i mention how fine he is

“who is polo g
“the finest rapper to have ever existed

by monokkkk November 21, 2021

G trigga

The realest most succulent group of people out there. Founded in 2022 G triggas are kind,cute,strong, and overall wonderful people. G triggas don’t rock with oppastoppas and will kill ‘em with kindness not dracos.

That g trigga was so cool, he don’t rock with the ooppastoppas

by Sexc kid April 25, 2022


The act of doing two or more things at the same time and causing a usually unexpected and big thing to happen

A: "I pressed punch and pause at the same time on accident and now my game is frozen!"

B: "lol nice g-spotting"

by T3r3n August 20, 2021

G shit

Gangsta Shit

Greg - This shit pullin'
Tommy - G shit

Fred - Its cold as hell outside
Tommy - G shit , i was just out there

by swexwil October 8, 2021

sweet G

a guy that tries to act all macho and gangster, but he's just a sweet dude, who only reveals his true kind nature to his close relatives.

guy 1: that guy over there seems really manly
guy2: idk man, i think he's just faking it, he's probably a sweet g
guy1: wtf is a sweet g? what are you talking about you stupid fucking moron

by shalami sandwich August 14, 2023

Daddy G

Anyone that uses the nickname “Daddy G” for there private story obviously has a monster cock and does some crazy ass shit that only his close friends know about, he’s kinda crazy but people love him

Girl 1: Whoa who is that guy?
Girl 2: Oh that’s Daddy G, I’ve heard he gets girls pregnant just by looking at them.

by your mom6923 November 21, 2019


What you call an absolute legend.

Random person: *does something legendary*
Peers: Dang G-greesy

by GrossSock June 20, 2020