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Overcharging the poor for an effortless service

Steve came round the other day, wanted to know how mum was doing - fucking billed him triple mate.
I've been billing cunts all night long, can't stop - won't fucking stop

by micoole October 12, 2017


Billing, To Bill.

To Consume Marijuana with Companions.

Derived from Balling up.

Are man's billing?
Do you want to Bill?

by Yann Sheen July 20, 2023


When Bill C puts his 12 inch horse shlong dingle-dong in your dark hole

I need a good Billing tonight

by BillingLover69 April 16, 2021


When Bill C puts his 12 inch horse shlong dingle-dong in your generous behind

I need a good Billing tonight

by BillingLover69 April 16, 2021


Obsessively talking about your child and how they are better than everyone else even if they are not and having that as a staple topic in every conversation.

Dude I'm so mad at my dad he was billing super hard yesterday

by SPOOT1253 May 1, 2016


The act of dumping your life's responsibilities and needs on someone else and never making effort to be useful to yourself. Being a liability and a blood sucking, resource extracting leech.

'Angela just comes and starts billing me on a steady!"

by _Friendly_neighbourhoodhero February 8, 2022

Bill Clinton Gambit

A defense strategy where one seeks to extricate oneself from a bad situation by claiming to be innocent by (a usually absurd) technicality. Named for former US president Bill Clinton, who popularized this strategy in the 1990s with his creative explanations for how he didn't actually smoke weed because he didn't "inhale", and most infamously, how he didn't technically lie when he said there is no sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky because "it depends on what the definition of "is" is."

Person 1: I just read an article about how Senator Rob Johnson claimed he didn't technically commit a crime by being involved in a plot to replace legitimate Electoral College electors with fraudulent ones in the 2020 election, because he was only involved for "a couple seconds"...

Person 2: A Republican using the Bill Clinton Gambit? Oh the sweet irony.

by Alex-2598 August 23, 2022