Christmas Derangement Syndrome describes a fanatical and borderline psychotic obsession with all things "Christmas," specifically the American style celebration which centers around mindless consumerism and the glorification of kitsch. This celebration has little to do with the birth of one Jesus of Nazareth, the prominent figure in Judeo-Christianity.
Symptoms of CDS are as follows
1) wanting or actively binge watching cheesy hallmark channel christmas movies all year long
2) wanting or actively listening to cheesy christmas music all year long
3) decorating the exterior of one's dwelling in christmas lights and displays as soon as they appear on store shelves, which typically in August or September
4) being absolutely delighted when retail stores start putting out christmas displays in August
5) frequenting the all-year christmas decoration stores, or discussing wanting to go
6) keeping a "holiday tree" up all year long as thinly veiled excuse to keep their abode christmasy
7) refusing to acknowledge that the fall/autumn and winter seasons exist, it's "christmas season"
8) frequently announces how many days, weeks, months, sleeps, or Fridays it is until christmas, even if it's December 26th
9) stocking up on a year's supply of their favorite christmas fragrances at Bath & Body Works so they can use them all year long
10) firmly believes "the war on christmas" is real
There is no known treatment for Christmas Derangement Syndrome at this point in time.
Person 2: it is July and it is 100 degrees outside, you don't need to decorate for christmas, you have Christmas Derangement Syndrome, and you need help.
Little country town in south central Oregon where there’s vast fields of green. A destination where the locals know each other by name and famous for cowboy dinner tree. As old as time and sightseeing from beginning of time.
Don’t come here we don’t want you here.
Quit stealing stuff to, your pissing people off.
The sand dunes in Christmas Valley are super fun to ride on.
1. Start with a Dude on the bottom,
2. Stack the participants from largest to smallest,
3. Has to have, the main stem the "penis in the ass" that or a strap on.
4. The way to stack depends on the use you can do a starfish formation or stack up 90 degrees after the last stacked person.
Extra: For the Frosted Tree continue to do it after the ejaculation for a nice coating of winter white
PS. *Fun for the entire family*
John: How was putting up the tree, for Christmas eve?
Tim: Oh it was amazing, though we accidentally split some winter white on the floor
John: Oh did the pine tree have pre frosting on it?
Tim: no, WE made the frosting, all 8 of us ;}
John: oh the Alabama Christmas tree?
Tim: want to be the top star?
Fantastic movie but incredibly overmarketed particularly to fake wannabe goths who have most likely never even seen the movie in the first place. They just like the imagery surrounding it. If they had actually seen the movie they would know that despite the gothic overtone it's actually a really sweet feel-good film.
Idiot goth kid: Hurr durrrrrrr NiGhTmArE bEfOrE cHrIsTmAs Is My LiFe. LoOk At My TeE sHiRt.
Real fan: Oh yeah looks good I love Jack Skellington.
Idiot goth kid: Hurr durrrrrr WhO iS tHaT
Real fan: You wear a Nightmare Before Christmas shirt but you don't even know the character on your shirt?!
Idiot goth kid: .....
Real fan: That's Jack Skellington you idiot he's the main character in the movie!
Idiot goth kid: Hurrrrr durrrr LeAvE mE aLoNe YoU'rE sO mEaN.
Around Christmastime there is always that one house that goes completely overboard with the Christmas decorations. There are blow-up rain deer and Santas all over the yard. So much so that it looks just like Christmas puked all over the yard. That is "Christmas Puke".
Hannah couldn't believe the house next door had "Christmas Puke" all over the yard.
Scionfin Tuesday Christmas is a National Holiday celebrating Scionfin Tuesday Christmas. It is celebrated every last Tuesday of February because it is ScionFin Tuesday Christmas.
John: Hello it is ScionFin Tuesday Christmas.
Wilburt: Oh wow thank you Johnathan Scower, it is indeed Scionfin Tuesday Christmas.
John: A wonderful day.
Trouble going to sleep on Christmas Eve
I have christmas sleeplessness every year.