Source Code

Happy family

Happy family- Ez and Aro - Aro like a Ez but Ez dont like aro- So aro very sad if Ez doesn't agree with it.

Happy family- Ez and Aro - Aro like a Ez but Ez dont like aro- So aro very sad if Ez doesn't agree with it.

by Ez and aro April 24, 2023

Fair Whether Family

Family members Whose presence is Rare and Far in between and When They Show Face, They come With Demands. So you love from afar.

When Ty Comes Let me know ahead of time, He begging and it's annoying. He's one of them Fair Whether Family, members I can only handle in spurts .

by ComingCorrect May 5, 2021

Mesch Family

A awesome family, with a lot of spunk! They are very fun to be around and are extremly exciting! They are ussually a big family, with lots of kids! When they are all together its a very fun time for the Mesch family but not for the neighbors! They are ussually very outgoing and very risk taking they are independent and extremley smart! Mesch's are known for being friendly and know how to have a good time! They are very athletic! They are ussually from Utah, Montanna, Colorado, Wyoming! They are very very crazy but that the amazing thing about them they are crazy insane and awesome but thats why everyone loves them!!!!

WOW do u hear that noise defintally a MESCH FAMILY

by broncos675 December 16, 2011

Family Reunion

When you and your cousin have a sleepover then you proceed to inserted your gummy stick inside her until you make some creme to fill her up like a jelly donut.

Just got back from a four hour family reunion in a Krispy Kreme bathroom.

by Slitty Sam May 4, 2019

Dungeon Family

The prisoners that are imprisoned under the castle.

The Dungeon Family may be down but we looking up.

by Lord Of the Rings. April 23, 2018

family jules

it's an other way of saying penis

"oh he got kicked in his 'family Jules'"
"Oh bro that must've hurt"

by doadams234 August 23, 2018

Family Friendly Friday

Family Friendly Friday is when a group of 4 youtubers with a channel called "Family Friendly" post a video. They post a video every friday and call it "Family Friendly Friday"

Person A: did you hear? the new Family Friendly Friday video is coming out soon
Person B: Oh epic! We have to watch it when it comes out.

by jessie.catt March 24, 2024