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Hip-hop praise

Music for believers in Jesus Christ. Similar to traditional Praise and worship music to a hip-hop beat. Cultivated by the same culture in which hip-hop originated but used to glorify God the creator.

Have you heard of Phillip-Trevor from Chicago? He’s like lil Nas x but The hip-hop praise version.

by JesusSpeaks January 26, 2024

hop off my sauce

Leave me alone, bitch.

When, Danny says hop off my sauce you should know to leave him alone.

by Dannypedro December 23, 2016

Hip Hops Revival

A rising music platform Hip Hops Revival is going hard for hip-hop’s culture one post at a time. Hip Hop’s Revival is a source for Hip-Hop news that’s composed of new music, videos, and interviews.

Did you see that new meme on Hip Hops Revival instagram page???

by CARLITOS WEY April 14, 2021

band hopping

Or: An extremely cool chick that expands your world and you let her choose what she does and either what she would want you to do with your horizons

because your band hopping are you the opposite of a groupie

by PotentCreditability March 9, 2018

Hop on Richer Overtime

This translates to 'Gay sex', this is commonly used by people who define themselves as the gender, 'Richer' or who are fans of the channel 'Richer Overtime'.

"Hey want to hop one on Richer Overtime for to-night?"
"Wanna hop on Richer Overtime?"

by LeeSport July 21, 2022


TRUAMA-HOP (aka known as Macabre rap) is a self proclaimed subgenre of Boom Bap Hip Hop with Horrorcore elements. This genre was created by new hip hop artist Philosophy out of New Mexico. Truama Hop is known for having Boom Bap style beats with samples of Sad Piano, Industrial synths, or Dark Ambient with lyrical subject matter that is about a traumatic experience the artist has faced detail to detail that they cant open up about along with lyrical subject matter including Loss of a loved one, Witnessing Murder, Drug addiction and Depression. He also created a sub sub genre called BRUTAL TRUAMA-HOP which has Boom bap style beats with samples from Death Metal, Hardcore, Horror movie samples and Grindcore with lyrical subject matter and shock value imagery exteme to the point it traumatizes the listener such as Gore, Murder, Horror/macabre subject matter, Serial Killers and some political messages about Anti-Racism, Anti-Fascism and Anti-Homophobia/Transphobia

"yo man you heard of that Philosophy Truama-hop dude. Like, He wrote something really deep and sad about a truama but his next single is heavier about eating people..." He needs Jesus.

by GOREFIEND666 January 19, 2022

Hop on windows 10

When your gay lover asks you to install windows 10 while eating a mixture of semen and PC parts, while at the same time having rough anal sex. This may be arousing to people who are stuck with garbage versions of mac, Linux, or your dad's old computer from the 1980s.

"Hey, wanna hop on windows 10?"
"Yeah bro, I'm down."

by SomeKidOnMac August 3, 2021