it means that something is the shit
yo man that weed was the "mac-dizzle."
Pronounced like "Tebowing", B-Mac(ing) is when one individual thinks everything they do or say is automatically and without a doubt correct. Even though it usually is the dumbest shit you will ever hear or see. Usually gets made fun of because everyone calls him out on his non-sense. Usually starts arguments with people strictly because he thinks their wrong. Usually backs out of fights when one stands up to his dumb ramblings. He leeches onto other people....usually posing their style and thoughts.
John: "You're such a faggot!"
Pablo: "Mister John, please stop saying faggot so much, it offends people!"
John: "I support gay marriage, therefore I'm allowed to say it!!!"
Pablo: "'re B-Mac(ing) so hard right now!!!"
John: "I got a choppa in the car!!"
A seller of Apple devices, of all products Apple.
In the theme of a peddler of goods.
The layman's term for a 'Mac Purveyor'
"My mate Jamie, the General XL, is a complete Mac Peddler"
"Your no Mac Purveyor, your just a Mac Peddler"
Three midgets standing on each other’s shoulders wearing a trench coat to look like a tall guy.
This 7ft tall fella pushed in front of me in the queue. I thought,”he’s a giant! I ain’t gonna mess with him!”. Then the coat buttons came undone and three dwarves tumbled out! That Big Mac and small fries ran out quick fast!