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call your teacher by their first name week

on the 18th of november till the 24th of november you call your teacher by their first name

call your teacher by their first name week the you call your teacher by their first name

by doctor jeffrey November 15, 2019

teach me how to spell my name

to spell your name on someone’s dick

“you should come over and teach me how to spell my name.”
oh you wanna ride my dick?”

by fhrsfhtdf August 31, 2022

give your friend named gabby a hug

October 24 is give your friend named gabby a hug day. this means that if you have a friend named gabby, give her a hug. it might cheer her up if she is having a bad day.

you: hey gabby do you want a hug?
gabby:sure why not

give your friend named gabby a hug:this means that if you have a friend named gabby, give her a hug. it might cheer her up if she is having a bad day.

by sheep-a-corn October 24, 2019

I couldn't find any other name

When you can't find any other name

Person 1: What's your username
Person 2: It's "I couldn't find any other name"

by I couldn't find any other name November 9, 2021

Naomi Zainal is a famous name urban dictionary

Naomi Zainal is a famous name urban dictionary

Naomi Zainal is a famous name urban dictionary

by Kmqq April 21, 2023

i may be named duke but i’m not a dog

an iconic quote duke depp said on a dukemoose livestream

duke depp once said: “ i may be named duke but i’m not a dog! ”

by dukesthirdtrashcan March 24, 2021

Make fun of people with J names month

This month goes from December 25th to January 25th. During this month, you are allowed to make fun of people with names which begin with the letter J

Joe: Today Is Going to be a good day!
Mike: Loser
Joe: Oh no, it’s Make fun of people with J names month :(

by JellyfishEater December 24, 2022

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