Source Code

elephant word

A word that does not follow the usual phonics pronunciation rules for English.

'Subtle' is an elephant word because the 'b' is silent.

by Loadmaster August 29, 2007

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The 'M' Word

One of the most dreaded words to hear for single, Australian men aspiring to hook up with a woman he's fancied for a while.

The first time she utters this word to him, tears his heart in half and every subsequent time only makes it hurt even more.

Its a subtle way of the woman rejecting him in a more informal way.

There can be no more harmful word spoken by a woman to the single, Australian bloke.

The word is 'MATE'.

Bazza: "Shazza, you keen for a coffee or a movie sometime?"
Shazza: "Sure, MATE. How about next weekend?"

Bazza goes to best mate the next day.

Daz: "So dude, did you ask out Shazza yet?"
Bazza: "Yeah man, but she dropped the 'M' word."
Daz: "Ouch, you got burnt bro haha!"

by The D.I. March 17, 2009

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swear words

~good for using when you are pissed off.
~a great gift from hell.
~(weird people think they are) offensive (google search for "The history of the F-Word Movie" play it, and you'll find swearing not offensive)

they said 459,065,936 swear words in that movie.
so bitch???

by why cant i have a name i want??? May 1, 2006

136๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Bigger" is the b-word. As is the case with the n-word, you should try to avoid saying the actual b-word.

A: "One of the bigger scandals in the Trump presidency was his alleged use of the n-word."
B: "Excuse me!? Did you just really say the b-word? Oh my god!"
A: "Yes, I said it. And I'll say it again! Bigger bigger bigger!"
B: "Jesus Christ!" *faints*

by Weeger August 18, 2018

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any word...

ur mom gay

urban dictionary: type any word...

you: any word...

urban dictionary: ur stupid

by epic dankness June 10, 2019

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Word is Bomb

Word is Bomb: A phrase used to stress the significance of what is about to be said or what has just been said. The word bomb suggest that this person's 'word' or whatever this person says is as serious, important and shocking as a bomb would be.

"Heyo WORD IS BOMB I just recorded the dopest track on earth kid you gotta hear it."

by Haze0Matic February 10, 2010

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Compound word

Any object or thing that has two words in it. Only if you are playing Catch Phrase and/or you are drunk.

"Guys this is a compound word," as said by Chantel refering to the word Migrate framer in a game of Catch Phrase.

by Allen Ha December 15, 2005

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