Source Code

Ultimate Pimp Slap

It is when you twap or kick someone in the balls. Then when there are crouched over you give them the pimp slap.

"Some dumass stole my wallet, so I went back and gave him the ultimate pimp slap."

by dj_holydumbf**ck October 19, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pimps & Hoes Party

Gettin' down on collingwood MSU style.
A party in which persons are encouraged to dress like their favorite pimp and/or hoe.

Man, that pimps and hoes party was hoppin last night.

Bishop Don Magic Juan

by Van Wilder March 28, 2005

108๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gimp Pimp

Overweight, white crippled faggot

"Look at that gimp pimp!"

by Mike Williams August 23, 2004

3๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

pimp my ride

A show on MTV that turns even the whitest kid black.

*Ginger kid with freckles opens door to see Xzibit* "Awwww hell no, dawg! You have GOT to me kidding me! You gone pimp my ride, my man? Oh word!" *plants and awkward gangsta hug*

by Joey Jo-Jo January 29, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bachelor Pimp Pad

A bachelor pimp pad is typically a dwelling shared by two young bachelors, in the transitional period after college but before starting a real career.

The primary difference between a bachelor pimp pad and a typical dwelling is that a bachelor pimp pad is furnished much like a garage, with John Wayne American flags, shooting range targets, recliners, guitars and a foosball table.

Also known as a "BPP" or "B-dub-P".

Before we all go out Saturday night we're gonna pre-game it at our Bachelor Pimp Pad.

by Domeski January 3, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

laissez faire pimping

n. Describes a person that is able to get many girls without actively pursuing. The pimp is able to let the ladies come to him by being desirable at their first meeting.

Mat, practicing laissez faire pimping, scored many girls with little effort.

by John V January 21, 2006

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Triple-Jedi Pimp

The ultimate pimp of ever state of being; he from whom no time, place, or object is un-pimpable. Always pronounced with gratuitious final syllable.

There can only be one.

Yo, cuz, it's time to prove that I am the Triple-Jedi Piiiiimp...

by Greg-o October 24, 2003

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