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Sindy Peters

Also known as "The girl of my dreams" or simply "Amazing"

A Sindy Peters is generally a beautiful woman with an amazing personality who will always make you laugh.

A "Sindy Peters" is also a formidable fisherman

My girlfriend is such a Sindy Peters

by NinjaNine February 4, 2010


When your name is Peter and you fix things properly.

They did a crap job fixing the trailer I'm going to Peterize it when we get it back.

by Donnagirl77 April 4, 2022

10mm Peter Gang

A group chat full of fucking legends

10mm Peter gang

by Reetard😂 November 26, 2021

Peter Max

Gun go boom boom. Bomb make big big boom boom.

It was never meant to be... - Peter Max, battle of Salacian

by TH3CL3HMYST February 10, 2023

Texas Peter

A gay texan that has a problem putting a finger up their ass

That guy looks like a texas peter

by GalaxyGod June 25, 2022

Mr. Peters

A teacher who is a mad lad who will snatch your phone on sight and end your snapchat streaks. you think this is a joke the man slays on tinder and always swipe right and has a receding hairline

our realationship is hitting the rough and I think we need to have a mr. Peters...? What.? No! I will not Mr peters

by KaleCantMakeBail October 11, 2018

Peter Yellow

Cool guy.

I love peter yellow.

by Goomba420 April 17, 2023