Also known as "The girl of my dreams" or simply "Amazing"
A Sindy Peters is generally a beautiful woman with an amazing personality who will always make you laugh.
A "Sindy Peters" is also a formidable fisherman
My girlfriend is such a Sindy Peters
When your name is Peter and you fix things properly.
They did a crap job fixing the trailer I'm going to Peterize it when we get it back.
Gun go boom boom. Bomb make big big boom boom.
It was never meant to be... - Peter Max, battle of Salacian
A gay texan that has a problem putting a finger up their ass
That guy looks like a texas peter
A teacher who is a mad lad who will snatch your phone on sight and end your snapchat streaks. you think this is a joke the man slays on tinder and always swipe right and has a receding hairline
our realationship is hitting the rough and I think we need to have a mr. Peters...? What.? No! I will not Mr peters