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Almost as sexy as Kitty

A phase used to describe the extremely beautiful.

Wow, That girl over there is almost as sexy as Kitty.

by Dave July 15, 2003

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sexy curtain

jelly fish giving you stings in the shape of a dick or a vagina near your genitals, encouraging you to find some sexy person of the oppiste sex who is a cheep prostitute. fuck the word cheep.

jenna was swimming in the meditarian sea with a hot canadain boy named mitchel who sent a jelly fish upon her so he could hire her for cheEp prostitute sex when she had a sexy curtain preformed.

by M-Esarahjenna July 13, 2008

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sex hundred sexy sex

The funny devil number, but even funnier because it has the funny sex word in it.

Me: LOL sex hundred sexy sex!
Entire Class: Shut up.

by Mr. Twinkieface October 18, 2020

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Virtual Sexy-Shop (VSS)

A Virtual Sexy-Shop (VSS) is when you and your romantic partner shop for something sexy to use together; a new article of clothing, a pair of shoes or a sex-toy. The difference is that the shopper goes alone and takes pictures of the different options while wearing the item in the change room! After texting their top picks to their partner, a choice is made, purchased and the date is set to try it out!

Hey, I'd love to have a pair of Lucite shoes. Let's do a Virtual Sexy-Shop (VSS)!

by sexbeyond40 May 20, 2014

Amazon Prime and Sexy Time

Like Netflix and chill, just more refined and expensive

Girl: 'Netflix and chill?'
Guy: 'Noooo, Amazon prime and sexy time is more my thing'

by THE_PARKINATOR November 17, 2016

Sexy in a Brother Kind of Way

A type of sexiness found in men. Similar to "the boy next door" or the sexiness of a male friend that you're really close with. Basically, this type of sexiness applies best to Jake Gyllenhaal.

Tessa- Jake Gyllenhaal is sexy in a brother kind of way.
Dakota/ Alex- YES MA'AM!

by Catbasket January 22, 2011

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amazon prime and sexy time

basically the same thing as netflixs and chill, but for people with amazon prime.

"so martha what did you do with brad last night?"

"amazon prime and sexy time"

by elllllllllllllleee December 5, 2015

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