Source Code

Sorry, I'm bad at texting

A phrase commonly used by women when they have been bombarded with texts that they do not want to answer. This is usually used when a man is pursuing a woman and the woman does not share the same feelings for the man.

Arthur: Hey! What's up?

30 minutes pass

Arthur: Did I say something wrong?

Francine: Sorry, I'm bad at texting

by Gregor Sanchez May 5, 2011

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

I love you text

The 'I love you text' craze was inspired by the greatest website on the planet, MyLifeIsAverage. MLIA-ers around the world have been inspired to send texts to random numbers simply stating, "I love you." Genius.

The original MLIA post that began the I love you text craze: "Today I got so bored that I text "I love you" to a random number to freak someone out. I was sent a reply message saying "I love you too". I felt beaten at my own game. MLIA."

by imaverage August 5, 2009

155πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Dry texting ass nigga

When the person you wanna text specifically (the nigga you wanna be with )takes a long time texting back or keeps saying "wyd" 25/8

malik was just being a dry texting ass nigga last night sis

by Vibewajj February 4, 2018

29πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

i love you text

A phenomenon started by a user on mylifeisaverage.com in which a person texts "i love you" to random phone numbers, or numbers other users post in comments on MLIA.

Guy 1: What are you doing?
Guy 2: I'm sending i love you texts. One of the people even knew what it was. Now she's saved as The Joker on my phone, and I'm Batman on hers.

by rabidsensibility August 6, 2009

87πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

text your ex day

text your ex day

girl 1:it’s october 27th uno what that means text your ex day

girl 2:definitely

by princesxox October 29, 2019

Smooth talking text whore

Someone who falsely uses their sweet talk words to gain trust love and adoration from the opposite sex to get attention and to overindulge in text flirting

I can't believe he says that to everyone , I thought I was the only one he called beautiful or baby . He's a smooth talking text whore

by Westcoast wildcard May 15, 2016

Texts From Last Night

A website hosting usually funny text. The format of a post goes by area code then the text. It is organized similar to FML, LOLCATS, Failbook, and MLIA

A typical "texts from last night"


just got passed by a van of kids watching the little mermaid. debating speeding so i can watch


Didn't u have court just yesterday for ur driving?


IT'S THE LITTLE MERMAID! totally worth another year of probation

by Refresh100 June 29, 2010

36πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž