Source Code

The Code of the Biti

1. Taking things a biti at a time so one does not get overwhelmed.
2. Taking 1 literal step forward.

Things were stirring heavy in the pot so I decided by the code of the biti.

by dannydadino April 26, 2014

The Guy Code

If a guy friend asks to hang out. Another guy may never back out to hang out with a chick. The only acceptable time to back out is if sex is involved. If no sex is involved, the only way for the guy who backed out to repent is to buy the guy who asked to hang out food, beer, or a full tank of gas. If food, beer, or a full tank of gas is not bought, it is acceptable to shun the guy who backed out for a maximum of 24hrs. But this action is not required. It is also acceptable to give him shit for it. But if the guy who backed out tells you to 'Fuck off', the guy who asked to hang out must cease the shit talking immediately, and never bring it up again.

Example A:
"Bro, you totally ditched me to hang with some girl last night!"

"I know bro, but I scored last night! And she was a straight 10/10"


Example B:

"Bro, you totally ditched me to hang with some girl last night!"

"I know bro, let's go to the bar. On me. I know the guy code"

"Alright bet. I'll be over in 15 mins."

Example C:

"Bro, you totally ditched me to hang with some girl last night!"

"I know bro, I almost scored last night. But we can hang some other time."

"Sorry man, yesterday was my day off. I can't for another 3 days. And you know the guy code"

by mysourceisthatImadeitthefuckup September 6, 2022

code kawai

Everyone can and will be shipped

he doesn't want to be shipped, but this is a code kawai

by .........wsww October 26, 2017

24 Hour Pirate Code of Conduct

When you text someone in uncharted territory they must be given a full 24 hours to respond before calling them to confirm the contents of the text message(s).

"I texted her yesterday but she hasn't responded."
"call her to confirm your plans dude"
"Nah man according to the 24 Hour Pirate Code of Conduct she still has an hour to reply"

by 5MORK December 29, 2023

Use code Not_Jelo in the Item Shop

It's used when you need to use code Not_Jelo in the item shop and if you don't Gone will tell you to stfu!

Treat: I will use code *****

by Use code Not_Jelo March 31, 2019

code red

when a gurl is on her monthly thing.

person: i cant go swimming tomorrow. im on my code red.

by dawnie ^-^ December 2, 2020

Code Red

When yo' boy trying to f*** but she's on her period

Yo Jimmy why you out with your boys on Valentine's day? Damnit Tim, I'm on Code Red

by pdoggyroggy February 16, 2021