A man whos penis is a foot longer than eveyone else, and strikingly handsome. Jacob can be a strong and charming man who can snag any girl, without the needing to talk to them. Hes a magnet to all thicc girls only a beta male could dream of. Jacob is friends with almost everyone and if your not friends with him, you have a tiny penis. Jacob is the man of your dreams, and good luck trying to get a Jacob
"I bet Jacob has a 10 inch cock"
"Omg, Jacob is sooo hot"
If only i could have even the slightest chance with jacob.
Jacob is deep-down a very loving, caring and honest person. He has been through a lot to say the least he's lowkey a f*ckin badass. He has crackhead strength and has a large dick.
However, Jacob is a romantic at heart and if he's in a relationship the obstacles you will have to face include: jealousy, commitment and insecurity.
Jacob is probably a genius, he just doesn't work as hard as he should. He has a tight-knit group of friends who he will often believe are turning against him because he is not mentally secure. He will cut people out of his life for this reason. Jacob can be single forever, but breakups are the worst thing ever for him. Give Jacob some slack and a hug. He needs it.
"Why did Jacob cut me out of his life?"
Meanwhile, Jacob: *sitting at home, depressed as per usual* OR "hanging out with stupid people makes you stupid"
Jacob is the most beautiful person you'll ever meet, inside and out. He's the greatest blessing and when he is in your life you're truly given a lot. He is very mysterious and dismissive towards strangers but when he has taken you into his heart, there is no one who can give more love than him. If you date him, he'll carry you on his hands and will give you the world. A real gentleman and companion for life. He's incredibly sexy and handsome without even realising it. Very humble and kind hearted. You just have to love him.
„Wow have you met Jacob? He's sooo lovely! And look at him! Too hot."
Jacob is the sluttiest boy you will see in your life and is a huge show off and at the end of the day feel really bad for him.