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Ily - vii

Noah is the hottest on earth

by Eveyduh March 4, 2022


Guy will steal your chick!!

You were Noahed, by a great.

by Pseudonym 2560 November 24, 2021


Noah is usually tall and skinny built. He is also a nerd and into complex board games and video games. He is really smart but when he wants to be and when he chooses to be. Noah cannot stop talking because it is his favourite way of expression. You would not think this though, because he is very shy around people he likes and/or people that show him kindness. If you like a Noah play his games with him or engage in conversation on a topic you both like and he will enjoy getting to know you.

Guy 1: Ayo look it's Noah

Girl 1: Hi Noah
Noah: Oh hey guys...
Guy 1: How's the Yugi-Oh going, got the hang of synchro summoning yet?

Noah: Oh Synchro summoning is pretty difficult as it involves summoning a tuner monster and a non tuner monster before summonibg a synchro monster from the extra deck, combining both of the previous monsters' levels to sum up to the newly summoned monster's level. It is pretty techni0cal to complete in battle but it is rewarding enough
Girl 1: You really know your stuff! I'm a native Xyz summoner, can I practice synchro with yo after school?
Noah: Sure thing ;)
Guy 1: Aw man that was my steal I'm gay
Girl 2: She doesn't actually know anything about yugi oh don't worry

by Ballistic Meme August 13, 2021



A Noah is someone who can be very annoying but at the same time the most cutest boy you may meet. At the age of 16, a Noah guy can be sweet, funny and downright manipulative. He can kiss you and the next day not talk to you. A Noah can also be the fake person alive, like talking to you and in the middle of the conversation go talk to his friends. A Noah could also take advantage of your feelings. He can and might play with your mind and also be trying to get with you. At the end of the day he wants you so bad that he'll start talking about and wanting you the more.

Girl: Hey Noah um we need to talk cause I think things are getting complicated
Noah: Oh, ok um nah actually
Girl: What? Why?
*leaves you

by N-y'know May 2, 2019


Cheating POS

Noah cheated on me and tried to be the victim.

by A pimp ass guy 2 August 28, 2020


Nicole: A Noah is a guy who is the incredibly smart dumbass and the gezzer in the class. A guy we would definitly miss so fuckin much and a gezeer that we would never ever forget.
Sam: A Noah has the biggest ass ever its even bigger than adam,s.
Guille: A Noah is are the biggest gezeer in this world but I'm going to miss you. If you're reding this, your bed is very comfy.O yes I almoust forgot(FUCK YOU!!)
Adrian: A chill, matured bastard who is too kind to others and a good teacher for maths, not the most athletic guy I,ve seen tho

You use Noah to say FUCK YOU GEZEER

by Guille gezeer November 23, 2021


Nicole: Noah is someone who is a incredibly smart geezer. Someone everyone would love and someone who would make everyone cry when he leaves. The best gezeer and the most beloved gezzer
Adrian: A Noah is a chill, matured basturd. Too kind to others and a good teacher in maths. Not the most sthletic guy I,ve ever seen tho
Sam:Noah is the hottest geezer and he´s too hot to handle
Guille: Noah is the biggest gezeer person in this world but we all love Noah and we are going to miss that idiotic face. If you are reading this, i'm playing flash mode right now in youre rooom. Oh I almoust forgot(FUCK YOUU!!).

Fuck you Noah

by Guille gezeer November 23, 2021