The act of #blind-dating a supposedly or in-theory hot girl with the intent of getting laid (and potentially leaving her in a very short term).
Me: hey dude, I'm gonna field-test Jackie next weekend. Hopefully she's as hot as she looks and will get the kill
That sentence is used for test
omg zugeershdeee that's test
when a lady pokes you 30 times and you see what swells
The lady at the desk offered to take me around back for a prick test
Reference to someone somewhat maniacal in behavior. Someone who acts as if they are out of a Government testing facility.
He's being as crazy as Test subject A!
An OG stream of NZ streamer XLord_D aka. Hottest Man on Twitch
"I'm thinking of going back to doing test streams!"
"What's a test stream?"
(noun): when you do something purposefully like a bish (because sometimes people just need to be put in their place) and then you tell your bf about it. His response determines if you have a future together.
This test is to be used in conjunction with and only after you have successfully completed the Bear Test.
"Hey Amanda, did Pastry ever pass his Spicy Sister Test?"
"Why, yes, he sure did Sabrina. I told him about how I sassed and stared down the short guy at work while I was wearing heels. The bf responded with, 'That's totally his own fault.' He did well and now I know he can handle this spicy sister."