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type 1 virgin

A person who for all intents and purposes conforms to the standard definition of a a virgin (someone who has not had sex)

He seems like a cool guy but he's actually a type 1 virgin

by ethereum March 25, 2018

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All Around Virgin

You have never been touched in any sexual way. Your lips have never met another in any way

You still are a kissing virgin as well as a sex virgin

"I've heard that Susan is an all around virgin"

by LikeAVirgin July 18, 2015

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Virgin donkey cunt

A drink that not only leaves you on all fours after you drink one, but one that allows anyone or anything, including a donkey, to take advantage of you

"I ordered a virgin donkey cunt last night & woke up in a barn smelling like a jackass"

by BG71 April 19, 2017

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Steel Wool Virgin

A Steel Wool Virgin is when you are having sex with a woman for the first time and her pubic hair has the consistency and feel of a Brillo Pad (and she doesn't know because no one's ever told her). The coarse, wiry pubic hair, in itself, is not generally the problem; if you are careful, it can be avoided. The problem is when those hairs are long enough to find their way into the mouth of the vagina during sex & make the penis feel like it is being cut by a couple dozen mini-razor blades through out the act. The man is usually too afraid to voice the painful concern's of his penis out of fear that it may end that first encounter & the last thing you want to do is give her a complex. After a few dates, casually bringing up that you like it when women shave usually does the trick with out upsetting her (But, Steel Wool Virgins Must Continue To Shave on a Regular Basis. The only thing worse than the original steel wool hair is feeling that area with three day's worth of stubble. Its like rubbing your testicles with fish wrapped in wet sandpaper. When this happens, the woman is "Deforested", meaning the trees have all been cut down, but the stumps are all still there). On the whole, its not her fault that she doesn't know that she feels like you're having sex with a garbage disposal, so its your responsibility to find a way to change that (specifically before scabs start to form...). If all goes right, but you do break up eventually, you'll be doing the next guy a huge favor.

Man, I was with this Steel Wool Virgin last night and by the time we were done, I needed a blood transfusion, a partial skin graft and a whole lotta band-aids

by ZStar930 March 20, 2011

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Reborn Virgin (R)

Someone who abstains from sex until marriage; one who reclaims his or her virginity after having lost it. Registered Trademark.

A Reborn Virgin (R) no longer hooks up at the bar.

by HowardSL May 17, 2008

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squealing like a virgin

(v.) To be driving into corners too fast, and giving tire-squeal.

I was squealing like a virgin through the wide corners, because I approached from the inside.

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 9, 2004

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lost your virginity

Having sexual intercourse for the first time or having a first kiss, depending on your perspective.

Girl: I lost my virginity. I had my first kiss with Tim.

Boy: You really lost your virginity? Did you have sex with him?

Girl: Well, no. But it felt like I lost my virginity.

Boy: Fair. Agree to disagree.

by Ereck Flowers June 6, 2015

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