An entitled parent that is probably narcissistic. Better not forget a ketchup packet, better not make her pissed off even the slightest, better not bring a vaccine and I’m telling you why. Entitled Karen is coming for your managers.
Karen: Give my daughter your IPad she wants to play with it.
Person 2: No it’s mine
Karen: I SAID HAND IT OVER *proceeds to try and take the IPad*
Person 2: I’m calling the cops...
This is a pejorative word for that person, usually a middle-aged mom, but not always, who annoyingly insists on making sure you and everyone one else follow all rules and laws to the letter.
"Tried to go to the store and was followed around by a bunch of Karens desperately trying to get me to wear a mask for a virus that has a 99.8% fatality rate."
A middle-aged white woman with an A-line cut hairstyle. Karens are problematic and have an I want to see the manager attitude.
Yesterday I saw a Karen and she wanted to see the manager-not a surprise.
A women with a short blonde bob hair cut who loves to speak with the manager
"I'd like to speak to the manager"
"Where's the manager"says Karen
A Karen can sometimes be seen as a bossy mum who goes off to clubs... but not all Karens are like that. A Karen can be incredibly stubborn at times and always will be the one to start the argument. She doesn’t like being bored. But there is a good side to Karen... she lives her family and ever so much, doesn’t wear a lot of makeup and knows how to put up a fight is she knows she is right.
Everyone loves Karen but you wouldn’t want to get on the bad side of her!
Aw dude she’s a real Karen.
My mums name is Karen!
OH DUDE ur so lucky
Cashier: Can I take your order ma'am?
Cashier: *Puts in airpods*