1. when someone comes completely out of nowhere during a race or any other event.
2. fighting a single person or a group of people like ninja
"That guy was in last place for the race but he just Ninja Attacked us."
So this is like an attack that you do irl, basically to perform this attack you get a bee hive and smack it on top of your enemy and shout "Bee hive attack!" the person should get scared or angry but the beehive's actualy empty and only contains honey so it wont be THAT bad.
And for your hair? sticky...
"BEE HIVE ATTACK" *Smacks bee hive on persons name back* "HEY!"
"Don't worry man, it's empty, the honey might get sticky though... "DUDE-"
When someone mentions a niche topic another person has a large interest or knowledge in and proceeds to completely butcher the summary of it.
"He totally skimmed over the whole premise of the show, and seeing that, right there — that was a personal attack."
advance onto or assume the position of (an opponent's piece).
In the tense chess match, Sarah boldly attacked her opponent's king with her knight.
(of a reagent or reactive species) come into contact with and interact with (a molecule's atom, group, or bond), rupturing or creating new bonds in the process.
The epoxide is attacked by the nucleophile from the side of the ring opposite the oxygen.
make an aggressive or forceful attempt to defeat a rival team or player in a game, score a goal or point, or obtain or take advantage of an advantage.
From kickoff, the home team launched an attack.