Home educated people are children who are educated otherwise than at school. This could be by their parents following/not following the curriculum or online schools (yes, they existed before Covid-19). However, some online schooled students don’t like being called home educated.
Some peoples’ reasons for being home educated are:
- Religious beliefs
- Mental/Physical health
- Pursuing other commitments such as acting or sports
- Other, such as a need for a decelerated/accelerated education due to a number of reasons.
The list goes on.
There are many other social opportunities for children that aren’t school. Please don’t assume we are social recluses.
I was home educated until I was 7, then returned to home education when I was 13.
A shot of liguor ranging from 1.5-4.5 ounces. Typically poured when making drinks at home.
Also know as a house pour
This margarita is really strong. Yeah I made it with a home pour of tequila.
Getting a blowjob from someone that has a spray tan.
Husband gave me a home depot surprise last night
White, upper or upper-middle class female. Has strong opinions on, well pretty much everything. Opinions, while strong, are based more on privilege than fact. Will have vacant, crazy eyed stare. May also consider themselves a "Dog-Mom". Likely to post opinions on social media for attention, supported with little basis in reality. Stay at Home Mommy will often respond to debate with "as-if, or what-ev, as she is likely too damn stupid to engage in intelligent debate. An adult referring to themselves as a "Mommy" will have nothing of any substance to contribute to conversation as they are clearly disconnected from reality, have no fear and are potentially a total dip shit, cancer to society and a true step backward in the advancement of society in general. Avoid at all costs.
I'm a Stay at Home Mommy, and you now know all you need to know about the validity of anything I'm about to say next.
A dirty college campus fraternity that actives consider clean
Babe we arent going to a frat house. Its a frat home
referering directly to the famous undergound after hour club in downdtown Montreal, Canada; the Stereo. For almost Well respect by the best Tech. Dj's in the world for respecting the old fashion recipice for best experience :a crow (they re called the stereo headers they showed a huge respect for Dj's work by dancing theyre life on a nice woodden dancefloor , an awesome accoustic sounded system, a sur-elevate dj boot and of course an epic disco discoball.
the vibe is unique... its like going back ((home)) after beeing overseas. or it's time to go ((home))
Is the act of wanting to kill someone
I'm feeling a little bit home sidel