Source Code

Kyle Stroup

Big booty thot...big boobies to

Kyle Stroup has big tatas

by Heisososndb March 8, 2019

Messy Kyle

A "Messy Kyle" is an order at a Washington Diner wherein if you order the "Messy Kyle" the cook "Rusty" will take you in the back and drown you in 16 metric fucktons of maple-flavoured bacon grease while calling you "Kyle".

Customer: Can I get a "Messy Kyle"?
*muffled sounds of beating and dragging can be heard*

by WeirdMushroom December 26, 2022

Kyle Dta

A nonce who got so much beef they’re standing and don’t speak when feds are around him makes kids go night night always phones bro when he got beef so they can ride also got a android and a black tracksuit and a black mask


Man take about Kyle dta but I got beef

by Kyle dta fan November 28, 2019

Kyle Sweet

an ugly creature who is rather dumb and has a huge nose

run away from Kyle Sweet

by bob's your uncle hahahaha May 29, 2017

Kyle Da Beast

The best league owner ever!

Kyle Da Beast is awesome!

by Kyle Da Beast November 4, 2020

Kyle Baughman

Kyle Baughman is a word derived from ancient Rome that is used when someone is scared to do something.

Jimmy don’t be a Kyle Baughman. Just jump already.

by DariusGoatland December 23, 2022

Kyle Nikolas Ripple

Special person with special needs who likes nicks cock

Man with small penis with big penis vibes

Gold blond hair that has a shit fetish

oh look its Kyle Nikolas ripple, how does he hide his bulge so well

by Moroccan sand blaster April 1, 2022