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Alabama Asshat

Folks from Alabama, usually in the 30+ banter on Kik. They try to be as mean as possible to make themselves feel better, but they're all a bunch of fucktards.

Zack is an Alabama Asshat

by TBM1371 May 13, 2024

Alabama Slamma

When your girlfriend gives you the best handjob ever using two hands like she’s churning butter. Southern style.

Hey babe , can you give me an Alabama Slamma?

by ReggieAM March 29, 2022

full Alabama

When you stick more than just the tip in your sister

I gave her the full Alabama after a few drinks!

by AverageJunkie February 22, 2023

Alabama Cleanout

When your truck bed is full of trash (cans, boxes, etc) so you let down the talegate and drive as fast as you can down the road to "clean out" your truck bed.

After the party Saturday night there were so many cans pilled up in the bed of my truck so I proformed the ole Alabama Cleanout

by BATMAN242410 August 24, 2023


When one shits upon another persons chest then jerks off and climax’s atop said stool pile and proceeds to kick the load into their partners face

When cousin Mary gets tipsy we attempt the Alabama onside kick with heels

by Sploogebob Squarepants May 31, 2020

Alabama Train Horn

When someone reaches between a man's legs and tugs his balls down in an aggressive or assault style manner. This causes excruciating pain.

Well, Suzette caught Uncle Daddy with Cousin Jeska again and gave him the Alabama Train Horn. I think he learned his lesson.

by LemmePikachuBoo May 3, 2020

alabama threesome

a girl, her brother, and you

mitch: how'd the other night go?
alex: Didn't crack
alex: shes a fortress
alex: I hung out with her last night, but she ended up bringin her bro as a third wheel
alex: I feel like I could get in but its some work
mitch: forget it lol..
alex: Yeah
mitch: wtf was the bro there for ?? an alabama threesome?

by mitchelster December 2, 2010