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point her for the hills

When one of the lads has the car ready for the Donegal Rally.
Used by many irish car enthusiasts as the donegal rally comes up around june.

Ben: Just got the coilovers and new shoes for the car 😎
John: Point her for the hills boy 👌🏻👌🏻

by Peoples Republic Of Cork June 20, 2024

Paddy Wagon Points

A scoring system for how attractive one's physique is.

Damn that paddy wagon is fine as hell, I rate it 8 paddy wagon points

by Paddy Wagon Don't Play December 29, 2022

Hack's point

To fuck a girl from behind.

(verb) Did you hear i HACK'S POINTED your mom.


Three point shooter

A man who bends wrists in an effeminate way.

When I went home for thanksgiving dinner my mom could see I was a three point shooter.

by MissMollySue February 7, 2020

Societal pinch point

A societal pinch point is a situation, place or experience, created either by accident or without knowledge / inadvertently by the creator, that forces human interaction and will inevitably lead to one or more involved parties entering / leaving the situation angry, upset, hurt, anxious, depressed and may end in violence.

Many people avoid these societal pinch-points all together out of anxiety or fear.


- Merge lanes

- Any place humans have to form more than one line

- Any situation where manners / etiquette is unclear

- Parking lots

- Any physical place where people want something that there are too few of

- Being the first car in front at a red light

The drive through at my local fast food restaurant has one of those two lane drive throughs, every very time I get in line, people always try and get in front, and when I order first and move up first, the person in the inner lane tries to cut me off, so I don't go to that fast food restaurant so as to avoid that societal pinch-point.

The other day I got stuck holding the door for someone I thought was right behind me coming into a building, turns out they were just far enough away and moving just slowly enough to make the whole experience a societal pinch point; do I hold the door, do I let it go, if I let it go am I an asshole, if I hold it am I a little bitch?

I was at the grocery store to buy some flat leaf parsley and there was ten of them on the stand, when I went to grab one, a lady took all ten, and refused to give me even one because she needed all of them. When did my local grocery store become a societal pinch point?

by societal dorf November 21, 2018

snatchuration point

The point in time at which a man decides that no matter how fair the face, how lilting the laugh, nor how sweet the pussy, he can no longer endure a woman's bullshit and kicks her to the curb.

Will: "Me & my old lady really got into it last night. I keep telling her I'll get to it when I get to it, but she just won't listen."
Joe: "Well, at least you've got the make-up sex to look forward to."
Will: "Nah. I'm over her, man -- finally reached my snatchuration point. I'm changing the locks as soon as I get home."

by s0ks1iff3r December 14, 2013




by FuckOffOnME February 26, 2025