Slang for a sexually transmitted disease in a man. It's when his piece turns green and falls off.
Mike fucked that nasty ho and got a bad case of green piece.
An absolute fitty that you want to drag down the nearest dark alley and have your way with.
Hey you see that sassy piece??
Yeh what an absolute piece of sass!
A big weapon usually an fully automatic
I looked inside my grandfather old storage run and saw a cassava piece!
That dirty little slut that does all the things your wife or girlfriend won’t do. She knows you have other fuck buddies but she doesn’t care. She uses you as much as you use her.
You can stay with your basic bitch but make sure you get yourself a sliiide piece.
Gotta get me a sliiide piece!
- @PYGMusic
Is a trans woman before surgery below the waist.
Some celebrities like a woman with a piece of candy.
Meaning “fuck it we ball” or “fuck it”
“Hey tom go jump into that lake fully clothed”
“bet fuck on the chain piece”