“ Now I get that feeling
Something ain't right
I look to my right
And I'm like, damn
There go that flexin' nigga
He wavin' his pipe” - King Von, Crazy Story pt. 3
Type of wording teenagers use when trying to get the d they think it’s sounds gangster
Guy-ayo shawty lemme pipe
Girl-I think you got stank DICK but I’m down
pipe/pipes is another meaning for a blicky or in other words a gun
oh shits theres the oppz waving there pipes
Pantsing someone then shoving a pipe bomb up there ass until you reach the intestines
"I love pants pipeng washington"
Abraham Lincoln
When you wash the orgy tarp in the tub and give the pipes herpes
Did you hear about the tarp orgy at the con last week? Washed it down the drain and gave the pipe herpes
When a dog smells a blown out pussy
He isn’t just sniffing, he’s checking for peter piping!