Source Code

The Average Stupid American

An American that believes in Anti-vax, hates other races and is far too patriotic.

Josh: Hey dude, wanna hang out with my cousin?
Dave: Your cousin's The Average Stupid American, no offense.
Josh: Yeah, that's fair. I don't wanna hear about hOw vAcCIneS cAuSe aUTiSm.
Josh: Let's just hang out with Chad.
Dave: Sure, he accepts other races. Doesn't oppose modern medicine, and doesn't think that America is the only country that matters.

by myhornygayass May 3, 2021

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Lukas is so stupid

my friend lukas said something so wtupid i made this

me:hey lukas you is stupid
lukas: ok

lukas is so stupid

by FLAT KAT March 1, 2022

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Too Stupid for the Dorm

You are dumb. You are soooooo dumb there is no chance you could even be in college.

Hurricane Sandy is coming. It's the hurricane to end all hurricanes. If you don't already own batteries and a flashlight you are too stupid for the dorm!

by Murder Mitten October 28, 2012

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stupid fucking idiot

someone who is shit

Bahaha ckeck out that guy - he's totally Luke Comino

by Pope Don Paul II March 2, 2003

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Stupid Oranges

Oranges but really i said you should be honoured but my freind miss heard me lwels

Chris: you should be honoured
Rachel: Wat did you just say Stupid Oranges
Chris : NO
Rachel: LWels

by Checken April 15, 2008

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Stupid son of a bitch

Joe Biden

Joey 'sippy cup' Biden is the stupid son of a bitch, not Peter Doocy

by Cornpop was a bad dude July 25, 2022

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Stupid ass bitch

People are a stupid ass bitch like Zack.Zack is a ugly but skinny depressed bitch and you would not like to be with him.

Me:Hi Stupid Ass Bitch you are also gay you know that!

by Reymer November 11, 2019

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