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Taylor Swift Deprovation

the occurrence of mental problems when the daily dose of Taylor Swift songs are not met.

u ok?
i feel like shit idk why tho
whens The Last Time you listend to Taylor?

babe you have Taylor Swift Deprovation

by bonan13 August 28, 2022

Ellie Angela Taylor

smart cool pretty legend ehehhe and me on insta @ellietaylor062

Ellie Angela Taylor is cool

by Ellie Taylor thr gal November 5, 2019

Annah Elizabeth Taylor

Fwed's Husband/Wife, who's Dick 74% bigger than Fwed's.

Annah Elizabeth Taylor's Dick is sooooo much bigger than Fwed's

by The Fwed Scholar May 14, 2022

Taylor Always Wins

The undeniable truth. Taylor Swift always wins. Karma loves her. Whenever someone wrongs her, things inexplicable take a turn for the worse for that unfortunate person. God loves Taylor Swift!

"Katy Perry's newest single flopped." - "Taylor always wins!"

by no offense y'all November 16, 2017

The James Taylor Prophecy

The lyrics to his song "Her Town Too" have taken on a new edge in the age of coronavirus:
"She's been afraid to go out
She's afraid of the knock on her door"

Lying in bed, fearful of leaving her apartment, waiting for a stranger to deliver her dinner, the song came up.

'It's the James Taylor Prophecy', she thought, 'I'm afraid to go out, I'm afraid of the knock on my door, always a shade of a doubt, I can never be sure, who comes to call. Maybe the friend of a friend of a friend. Anyone at all. Anything but nothing again.'

by Monkey's Dad March 28, 2020

Katelyn Mae Taylor

A better version of someone else. (Most likely her twin) Definitely mom's favorite.

Daughter: mum who ur fave child.
Mum: Katelyn Mae Taylor.
Daughter: who's that?
Mum: a fucking child I wish I have

by GrandmasThickCrunchyCookies April 11, 2020

Taylor Dorman (Dormz)

an act of finding ones own feet wildly attractive.

Laying in bed staring at my feet, I felt Taylor Dorman (Dormz) and was immediately aroused.

by Double vodka water October 4, 2017