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1. high grade cannabis
2. an alternative to words like; tight, ill, sick, dope, etc.

that bass drop was gas as fuck.
i just copped an eighth of some absolute gas.

by lysergicfreakout September 30, 2021


Fuel to a war lord's fire.

Thanks to you throwing gas on it, the warlord will keep his/her fire burning bright.

by Solid Mantis January 4, 2021


Getting anal surgery will expand your butthole size by 10% and will make your poops 2x bigger

Hi i will be getting anal surgery on monday that will expand my butthole And make my poops bigger, for short you can call it gas

by shooter mcshootface August 16, 2021


Something cool, or something that looks good

Damn this bud looks gas.

by Demonboyslime October 6, 2022


In Ireland, if a situation or a person is ‘gas’, it means they’re very funny.

He's gas.

by IrishGas May 28, 2019


Another word for extremely high powered marijuana. Is really an acronym which is Grade. A. Smoke.

I got that gas fuck with me!

by -pooh205- _skinnyniggaeating July 9, 2015


That good shit (aka Marijuana)

Person 1: ayo what you dining rn?
Person 2: I’m smoking that gas, what u doin?

by God of Toes January 10, 2022