A type of machine that inserts and takes out dildos with great speed and agility to pleasure your taintiful needs.
“John, I can’t sit down because of the anal machine that we used last night”
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1:Machine Angel Ritual: The Juvenile Release
Philadelphia area colloquialism for ATM, ass to mouth (fellatio performed immediately after anal sex)
That dirty slut was crazy, she's into Mac machines!
"mac machine" a word used to describe a money access center otherwise known as an ATM used to deposit or withdraw money from.
"i need to pull some money out ,is there a mac machine near?"
"mac machine" a term to describe a money access center otherwise known as ATM that are usually connected to your bank that allows you deposit or withdraw money from your account.
" i need to pull money out, is there a mac machine near?"
Game based off the 80's toys of the same name. The series lasted from 1991 - 2017, with the most recent game being... Well... Depends how you see it.
The games will usually start by you choosing a character (ex: Walter, Cherry, Spider, Chen) and racing. You can qualify if you've reached 1st or 2nd place and move onto the next race. There is also a mode called Head-to-Head, where racers have to end the race with the most points (by making the opponent drive off-screen).
Person: Hey, wanna play Micro Machines?
Person 2: Yeah, as long as it isn't Turbo Tournament 96'. I fucking hate that one.