Source Code

google war

battle using google images going back and forth until one gives up

someone chooses a rabbit, next chooses a fox cause fox beats rabbit, next chooses gun because gun shoots fox......etc. thus its a google war

by velcrow38/h0ly smokes December 12, 2006

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

War Story

It is the story of war on someones stomach, and is best done when two people hold down a victim by their arms and legs so they can't move because this story is all about tickling and pain; and story goes as follows:
1)First there was hand to hand combat, *Using your finger tips you poke the stomach multiple times*
2) Then there were spears, *Again with finger tips but a lot stronger pokes*
3) Then there was bow and arrow, *using all your finger tips you poke the stomach*
4) Then there were swords, *using the edge of your hand your slide it against the stomach with a lot of friction to cause stretching or you can slam it on the belly*
5) Then there were canons, *using your palms you smack the belly just like a five star*
6)Then there were machine guns, *You poke as hard as possible with two fingers to provide more stability*
7) Then there were bombs, *You make a fist and slam the belly with the bottom part of the fist (not a punch)
8) Then there were nukes, *You punch the stomach until you feel the person has had enough*
9) You tell the victim that was the story of war

While one person narrates the story of war, the other person tickles the victim relentlessly. Doing this usually makes victim try to kick and laugh or cry and try to escape. Also when telling the story, it is best to exaggerate the story like saying indians invented the spear to kill man and so on.

Kid 1:Those two upperclassmen gave the freshman a war story!

Kid 2: Ha! he had it coming.

by MemoPadKing April 4, 2011

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civil war

A war fought in an amiable, courteous manner.

My brother was killed in a civil war. He was a victim of friendly fire.

by BasicJay July 30, 2011

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Gears of War

A game developed exclusively for the most expensive platform ever created, the Xbox 360. The reason the game is not available for the PS3 is because Epic wanted users to have to pay to play online, even though Microsoft is the one that gets the money. Had Gears of War been made for the PS3, it would NOT require a paid subscription to anything, users would be able to play for FREE.

Rich guy: OOOO! I cant wait to get Gears of War! Then I can give Microsoft even more money for Xbox Live.

Middle class guy: With my PS3, I dont pay a cent, not a cent, for online play.

by God Hates Xboxes December 30, 2009

18πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž

Nigga cootie war

The nigga cootie war began in 2020. The cooties aka COVID-19 swept the nation as the African Americans went to war with nazis and trump supporters. One k pop singer went to help fight against the nazis with his brother poggers. Poggers succumbed to gun shit wounds in his anus.

The k pop singer made a tribute music video , returning to South Korea after the treacherous nigga cootie wars and his fallen brother poggers

by Cooitiewar November 8, 2020

87πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

The Great Furry War

Also known as the Furry war, The Great Furry war of 2018, and in some cases World War III, The Furry war is and ongoing battle for superiority involving gamers and furries. Some groups have managed to make alliances with natives, such as the weaboos, the memers, and in rare cases, furries have gone as far as to capture rare and violent T-Posing children to set off on rivals. It is currently unclear as to which side will win the war. Some say it has to be the gamers, as the chief constantly respawns. Others say furries, as their numbers are always growing, and, as stated before, they’ve begun the taming and possible selective breeding of T-Posers. The war has also lead to a decline in bread, as the property are making sandwiches to supply the troops at an alarming rate.

β€œMan, I could really go for a sandwich right now.”

β€œYeah, this war is really using up all the energy of us and our fellow gamer bois.”

β€œExactly, but there’s just no telling when the Great Furry War will come to an end.”

by DemonPotato November 25, 2018

118πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

The great meme war

The Great Meme War took place from Juner 16, 2015 - November 9, 2016 and was the internet(primarily social media) battle between supporters of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Gary aka Aleppo Johnson, and Jill Stein. Attacks and battles took the form of arguments and memes in comment sections, threads, photos, videos and more. These memes were used to attack a candidate or sway their supporters. The War also included heavy shitpposting, spam, copypastas, and dank memes. The War's fronts include Reddit, instagram, ifunny, youtube, the news and media, and many others.

The main conflict of the War was between Donald Trump and the Allies, Hillary Clinton and the DNC, and the Republican Party.

Casualties and losses include:

For Trump and the Allies: A lot of time.

For Hillary Clinton and the DNC: The Presidency, a few thousand emails, the states of Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconson, a plate full of chicken nuggies

For the Republican Party: A few turtles, a guac bowl and some rice.

For the mainstream media: Their remaining credibility.

For Pepe: Being mislabled as a "Hate Symbol" by Hillary Clinton and her campaign and the Anti Defamination League.

Trump's victory of the Great Meme War is credited by many as to be the power of K E K.
Many say he was meme'd into the White House.

The Great Meme War of 2015-16 was the greatest war to ever take place on the internet.

by Mushroomisile69 November 30, 2016

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