Source Code

vagina face

"V" is for Vagina Face!

"Vagina Face". Alone, it may sound silly, but combined with a nifty hand sign, it's unstoppable!

Make a "V" with your index and middle finger and place the tips of your fingers over your eyes (finger nails out). Your nose should be in the middle of the V. Much like the "I've got my eye's on you" gesture, but without the follow up pointing. Just a V over your face. with this little move, you can now call your office buddy "vagina face", and no one will be the wiser!

Forget "the bird", give 'em the "V"!

Just so my co-worker knows I care, I shoot him the "V" for "Vagina Face" at the office all the time. This way, he knows that he's a Vagina Face without all the HR complications that would result in speaking it out loud in front of others. The words need not be said, the hand signal says it all... "V" is for Vagina Face!

by Spidey - GDC4L April 10, 2007

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Butta Face

Plain and simple...Bad ass body butta face got to go!!!

Check out that butta face, a paper bag would come in handy right about NOW!!!!!

by E to the D July 17, 2006

74๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cunt Face


1. One who has a face like a woman's genitals; someone who is ugly. Often used as an insult, but occasionally used as an affectionate greeting.

"Sup, cunt face?"
"Shut the fuck up, cunt face"

by Harry Jones September 29, 2006

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Falling asleep or passing out infront of a computer where ones head is laying on the keyboard, the keys leaving a geometric pattern that resembles the imprint of a waffle.

Trying to Power level a character on World of Warcraft, Johnny passed out after day four later to awaken waffle-faced.

by Goldendale August 11, 2006

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sleep face

when you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror to find that your face has not woken up yet.

I woke up 20 minutes ago but I still have sleep face!! my eyes are all droopy and i have blanket face

My sleep face needs to wake up! I have to go to class

He told me my sleep face looks like a sad turtle

by mahsita69 December 7, 2009

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face cake

when receiving oral sex from a female, one ejaculates onto her face and she proceeds to light a cigarette without cleaning off the semen. while not necessary, it is encouraged to shout "happy birthday" whilst ejaculating. without cigarette, referred to simply as "icing" the cake.

My girlfriend ran out of menthols, so had to use one my smokes when I gave her her face cake last night.

by railgin October 1, 2012

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A pair of over-sized trendy sunglasses, usually sported by scene kids.

Scene girl #1: Like, RaWwRr! Let's go to the br00tal show.
Scene boy that looks like a scene girl: I'm going to show off my face-eaters and look fierce.

by xlivelifeontheEDGEx June 5, 2009

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