A very intense wedgie in which the victim is given an atomic wedgie. But instead of stopping at the face, it goes down through the legs and back up into an atomic again. Now do that last part 2 more times. Viola, a triple lollipop.
Dude did you see that guy get a triple lollipop yesterday? Shit was gnarly.
Someone who, in relation to others, has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents, zero great-great-grandparents and five great-great-great-grandparents in common.
Third eye, Reason, Consciousness. Used heavily in UG hip hop.
Damn, that girl has some crazy triple optic. Yeah shes down.
This has not been invented yet
so heres my mark on it
-Thorn Kinsey
The simultaneous stimulation of three erogenous zones to completion. Usually includes multiple partners, but doesn't require a three-way.
Last night was so hot, we had a triple supernova. Best three-way of my life!
Don’t know, Don’t care, Don’t give a fuck.
Boss - Hey Jim have you completed your online diversity training?
Jim - Triple D Boss
A code name or altered abbreviation for the sacred prank of Ding Dong Ditch, and its purpose is to keep secrecy about the entire scheme in any scenario without flat out telling or raising suspicion to the lurking snitches or friends of that certain person.
John: "Later tonight lets Triple D Micheal's house since he snitched on us about cheating on the test."
Desmond: "His house has 6 floors anyways, it will take him a minute or two to use the elevator to come check out the problem."
Lurking snitches senses are not tingling
Mission: Success