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Spacial Clutter Rage

Anger caused by too many things or people getting in the way while attempting to do something else, especially when in a hurry.

The huge mountain of stuff that was building up on my desk caused me to have an attack of spacial clutter rage while attempting to wrap a parcel.

by dragophelion March 24, 2006

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Boner Rage

When a bunch of guys are hanging out and having way too much fun.

"Hey Tyler what's up?"

"Oh not much me and the guys are just sitting in my room talking."

"You're just in a dark room talking? You're not watching T.v, or anything?"

"No just chatting..."

"Sounds like a boner rage..."

by S.G.A 90000 September 8, 2009

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A rap song made by playboi carti Mario Judah and trippe red often used by spammers to annoy the hell out of people and example ⁉️I MISS THE RAGE ⁉️ But imagine that over a hundred times and still going

Spammer: yo do you know what i miss
Person getting spammed: what

Spammer: ⁉️I miss the rage ⁉️

by Hamadebop June 29, 2021

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Raging Twin Dragons

A term for when a male urinates and the stream splits in two, typically spraying the unwanted fluids everywhere (back and sides of the toilet, the floor, pants, etc.)

"I was afraid to go back to my company's table after taking a piss at the Olive Garden because my Raging Twin Dragons got all over my pants."

by Phraust March 6, 2013

A Raging Starbucks Cunt

A Raging Starbucks Cunt is a raging cunt who LIVES at starbucks and typically order's some long named drink and takes pictures of it for instagram.

an example of the drinks there order -> "double chocolate twisty nips gang bang extra S A U C E shit in my grandad's hole latte" An example of "A raging Starbucks Cunt" is the following

charlie: Hey look she's A Raging Starbucks Cunt taking a picture of her drink.

eric: Yeah she's 100% taking that for instagram.

some smart ass: not all ugly thots that take pictures of there double chocolate twisty nips gang bang extra S A U C E shit in my grand dads hole latte's are doing it for instagram.

charlie and eric at the same time: Yes, all of them.

some smart ass: No!

charlie: betcha your life she's on instagram.

some smart ass: sure

Raging Starbucks Cunt: Yeah im on instagram. uwu rawr.

some smart ass: that bet was a joke right? r-r-right??!?!?!?

(gun shots and screams)

by ugly niglet July 12, 2019

Raging diesel dyke

The Alpha Dyke in a gaggle of dykes¹, a homosexual homo sapien female that triumphantly surmounts adversity dispatched upon their ascendancy towards tutelage. Such obstacles are assumably presented by "The Man"².

Visually identified by a high top fade, sleeveless flannel shirt, extremely large belt buckle, biker boots and an earring set connected by a chain matching a chain connecting a wallet and belt on one ear. A deltoid muscle tattooed with a heart inscribed with "Mom" or "Down With Dudes" completes the look.

Employment is key when identifying a RDD³ in the wild, the trucking company must confirm employment of good standing. If not, it must be reported that an imposter is pursuing a modified adaptation of stolen valor in order to usurp and control a specific gaggle.

To legitimize their hierarchical position, RDDs³ speak in faux baritone and presumptively create a robustly masculine facade (this may confuse the researcher due to the RDD's³ attitude towards men). Additionally, perpetuation of aggrandized established masculine behaviors substantiate the appropriation of governing dominancey.

¹ Gaggle of Dykes: not to be confused with a gaggle of gay gooses, a gaggle of dykes is the top 5 or so tiers of a RDD's³ social grouping.

² Author's note: It is unclear if "The Man" is the same individual and/or group that has historically engaged in enigmatically veiled caliginous practices to impede the successes of other minority groups.

³ Abbreviation: Raging Diesel Dyke

Terry is such a Raging Diesel Dyke, she took Janet's girlfriend, got rid of Pat's abusive husband and had the time to detail her rig this afternoon. An absolute legend of epic proportions.

by RDD Inc. May 24, 2022

Raging black bull

When you bitchass black friend cant get any bitches and you tie rubber bands around their balls make them wear a thong, give them a wedgie, and whip the shit out of them. They then have to wear a thong and the rubber bands until their dad comes back or their balls shrivle and fall off. This results in said black friend raging, and subsequently acting like a “black bull”.

Ps: You can only do this once every few years so think twice before you pull out those rubber bands, it takes a while to recover!
To make this a more memorable experience you can use a shock collar and or a ball gag to make things a little spicier!

Jamal you better finish you meal or else daddys gunna give you a Raging black bull!”

by Nathaniel smallcockkingson October 5, 2023

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