has a big old schlong and is very hot and handsome
heś a real jackson
A guy that's totally underestimated. He may seem kinda weird but when you get to know him he's super funny and tall too. When you meet a Jackson don't let him go because you'll regret it. He loves his girlfriend no matter what she's like. He's really smart with technology and kind and caring too although he's really modest about it. When his girl comes between him and the boys Jackson will make the hard decision of putting bros before hoes because any girl that stops you from seeing your mates, isn't a lovable girl. He's strong emotionally and mentally, so when the cards are down he'll comfort you in any way he can.
Girl 1: Hey!!! I saw you with Jackson last night ;) anything happening there???
Girl 2: OMG I don't knowww I love him but he hides his emotions really wellllll
1👍 1👎
brenna: i found ur old tik tok acc
jackson: “bans tik tok acc”
Jackson is the funniest guy you’ll ever find. He is strong, loving,caring, and also very cute. If it comes down to someone getting bullied or someone pissed him off, your ass is grass. He is OBSESSED with fortnite and baseball. If you like sports and like having a good time then you should go find you one.
Random- DANM did you see that fight that went on with Jhony and Jackson yesterday?
Random- yea me and him are together now he beat Timmy’s ass for me. And he’s so funny! 😂😂
Jackson is honestly the best person you will meet and the least bot Person. You should always open your cupboard to give him all your food. He will eat all the Nutella because he really fit and a god at sport.
Jackson is the best
Jackson has the biggest nipples and there are so sweet and juicy and he has the smallest dick in the world
wow that guys definitely a Jackson
Sexy man that the ladies love to be around. He is normally a black male that makes bank.