Fans of the incredibly popular American Chicken Finger fast food restaurant Raising Cane's. The most annoying restaurant fanbase to roam the Earth. Anytime someone says Raising Cane's is mediocre, or doesn't place the restaurant at S tier in a fast food tier list, they go out of their way to insult the "Raising Cane's Hater". Anytime proper criticism is brought up against Raising Cane's they completely deny it and declare every other fried chicken fast food restaurant ass.
Valid Critic: "Raising Cane's isn't my favorite, I actually prefer Popeyes."
Raising Cane's Fans : "What the fuck is wrong with you dude, are you retarded? Raising Cane's is the greatest chicken restaurant on the planet. Popeyes is so dry and nasty. Like dude, have you even tried the Texas Toast, it's so delicious, there is something really wrong with you."
The only way to get AC in Alaska
Hey, can you give me the Alaskan dong fan?
A machine girl fan is a delirious fool that needs noisy hogwash to blare out their unmedicated ADHD
"My friend has been listening exclusively to white noise recently."
"Oh, they'd make a textbook Machine Girl Fan!"
2👍 3👎
A person or fanbase who fantasizes and pedestal's their crappy sports organization .
Elijah is a delusional knicks fan
When your life circumstances were good, and then they just imploded, exploded, and eviscerated right in front of you. Leaving you not two steps up, minus one. Rather, when the crap hits the fan, you are stepless, and have to learn how to crawl. Once again.
Wow, the crap hits the fan when you can't pay your rent.
charlie is ellie’s biggest fan
who’s ellie’s biggest fan?
charlie is!
ella! ella is megans biggest fan of course!
who is megans biggest fan?
megan's biggest fan is ella of course!